Saturday, November 21, 2009


It is fall, and I both love and hate this time of year. I love the changing colors, the crispness in the air and the 'smell' that comes with it. I hate the funk I seem to get in. I don't know why, but this time of year I get so sad and depressed. I have all but decided that it is time for me to go see a shrink. I keep thinking about my Grandma Gerry, and how she must have felt this way a lot. She was a hard woman to love sometimes, and I now understand why she was so bitter. This sucks. Panic/anxiety attacks are quite awful. Every morning I wake up with dread and no desire to do anything. I force myself out of bed, and that can take a half an hour! Yet as my day goes on, I get better. By the time late afternoon/evening rolls around I am back to that same girl that laughs a lot and lovin' life. I have meds that work, however I do not want to be that lady that is over medicated and out of touch with reality cause she just can't deal with life. UGH.

If you are reading this, I don't want a pity party. I really would rather you all just told me to 'get over it' or say something to make me laugh. I hate it when people feel sorry for me. So why am I writing this out there for all of the world to read? Because I want to get it out there, I know that writing about it is good for me.

I am busy preparing for an upcoming craft show in Parowan. It is a small one but a good one. If you are in the Parowan area the weekend after Thanksgiving, come by and say hi! I am making mostly cards. I had a lady call me from Las Vegas the other day wanting to make sure I was going to be there cause she loved my work. That was a great feeling. She also wanted to know where the location of my booth would be, to make sure she would find me. I was quite proud. There are a few people that come back to me every year but to have someone actually call and say she was coming just to buy my cards is sweet! I am surprised that I sell a LOT of them to young men. They want cards to impress wives, girlfriends and moms. That always makes me laugh. I also represent Stampin' Up! so people will occasionally order product from me. I make a little extra money and get out into the public for a couple of days. My fall therapy...;).

A funny note, I recently asked the question on my facebook page, what four words would you say to me if we woke up in jail together? I got over 25 responses! It is hilarious what people wrote. If you have a facebook page you ought to try it. I got a HUGE laugh out of it.


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