Wednesday, March 16, 2011

uh huh

K, I am not quite where I wanna be physically. But I want to document this journey so I can look back and laugh. I took some before pictures when I started this. The following will show you what months of hard work look like. I am not at a place mentally where I feel ready to post full shots of me in nothing but a bikini. But I did manage to get a bikini top on. But FIRST here are the dreaded pics of me in June 2009. This is what 1 year and a half of depression, over eating, not being physical and letting yourself go after having a baby look like. From the front and from the side. This is so GROSS! I am cringing at the thought that I am actually putting these out there for you all to see. But that was when I hit over 210 pounds. Today I am about 180. But before you wonder what happened, let me remind you that I am working out for at least an hour 4-5 days a week a lot of which is strength training. AND my diet is limited to 1400-1500 calories a day, when you eat that little you make what you eat count! So say hello to protein, fresh veggies, fresh fruits and whole grains. Muscle weighs more than fat and I am losing inches. I have lost one inch around my stomach in the past week. So here is me today. I am not a skinny minnie but you can tell that I have been working hard. You can see most of it in my face. This is extremely uncomfortable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Keeler Klan said...

You go! I think you look fantastic, Jamie. Keep working. I'm right there with ya. I still have 50 lbs to go...

Aplaceforscience said...

u look good u look good, keep working on it!

Anonymous said...

YOu look great, i wish i looked like that.

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