Wednesday, January 13, 2010


A magnitude 7 earthquake has hit Port-au-Prince, Haiti. It has literally flattened most of an entire city in what is arguably the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. There is an estimated hundreds of thousands of people dead. All of a sudden my problems seem so small and ridiculous. Really, I don't have very many big problems, but now they really seem insignificant. I can't imagine how frightened and helpless the people of Haiti are feeling right now. I have experienced a few earthquakes in my life, the largest being a 5.9 on my mom's 40th birthday. And I had a 4.1 as recently as last week. Sadly I didn't even notice it, thought it was a big military jet from Nellis! That is nothing compared to what happened yesterday. I would imagine a lot of the damage to the infrastructure is due to the fact that they are such a poor country and things are not built as strong as they are here. I think this can serve as a reminder to us all that things may seem to get bad sometimes, but remember it could always get a lot worse.
"Bodies were everywhere in Port-au-Prince; those of tiny children adjacent to schools; women in the rubble-strewn streets with stunned expressions frozen on their faces; men hidden beneath plastic tarps and cotton sheets" -AP


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