Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union

Last night was the annual State of the Union address. I can't say I am inspired. As always, it bored the heck outta me. It was the same thing, different President. They always toot their own horn, talk about how we need to come together and how it is the other sides fault. I got a kick out of Supreme Court Justice Alito's response to Mr. Obamas criticism. Other than that, I sat there, drifting in and out of consciousness for 70 minutes of my life. Before anyone gets excited and pegs me an Obama hater, I have this same criticism of every SU address. For once I think it would be cool if the President got up there and in five minutes or less said, "This is what is going on, This is what I am doing, This is what I hope to accomplish." When you cut it down, it wouldn't take but a few minutes for him to say what needed to be said. But in between the standing ovations and jabs at the right it was the same old thing. Just insert the issues of the moment. Tom was watching it with me and all he could say was, "They must be Lutheran, stand-up, sit-down...." He always teases me about that and my Church. I was hoping for something different. Seeing as this is supposed to be such a different President. But he doesn't seem to be able to think for himself. I never wish for the failure of our Presidency. I keep hoping that something will happen that will make me say, "OH YEA! He is one awesome President." Hasn't happened yet. For once I am so grateful that I didn't vote for a sitting President. Again, before anyone gets excited, I didn't vote for him cause I knew he would win. I vote for who I think is going to lose so I can bitch about it. Anyway, you would think I would learn my lesson but every year I turn it on. Stare at the mind numbing boob tube like a zombie and think, "EVERY DAMN YEAR!"


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