Saturday, March 27, 2010

So far, so good

Well this week went much better in the Parry household. Luckily Dylan hasn't had any issues with Steven. There was one little verbal thing, but oh well, they got over it. I think the Principal, besides sitting down and talking to the boys, also talked to the bully's folks. Dylan says that they don't really hang out together and when they are around each other, they avoid contact. Oh I am so hopeful that it is all over. I got a lot of support from friends on this. I did get a couple of people thinking I should just have let it alone. Oh hell no! I do believe that if possible, yes my kids should fight their own battles. But I will step in when my kid is sick cause of it and getting punched. If people don't like it tough. These are MY kids not yours. I get to make the decisions not you. I will do what I think is best regardless of what everyone else thinks. There, just had to get that out. Dylan is back to the fun loving, sweet boy he was before this whole mess. I love it! I was so proud of him yesterday. He told me that there was a boy and a girl fighting. The boy reached up and was going to punch the girl. Dylan and his friend, Jared, got in front of the girl, and protected her. How awesome is that? My little boy is amazing. No wonder the teacher says he is so liked at school. Colton is doing good. He is over all his ailments it seems. He is asserting himself well. He has learned that in order to make it with his older siblings, he is going to have to make his wants well known. Chloe is loving school and is thriving. She is so smart! A little pain in the ass most of the time, but beautiful and smart. It is so fun to watch them all grow. Learn new things and to think, "Wow, those beautiful creatures are MINE!" I swear there is nothing better in this world.

As for me, I am alive and well. I am getting used to some new glasses. I have had them about a month, and wonder, "why didn't I get them sooner?" I haven't lost anymore weight, but I haven't gained any either. I love it. I love feeling healthy. I love seeing myself now compared to a year ago and thinking, "DAMN! I am HOT!" Little more ways to go, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Then I can be Tom's "trophy wife" HAHA! Yea right!


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