Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Yea Yea

Things are going well in the Parry household. I had one "episode" so to speak. It was weird. I have been feeling well and felt like any issue that came up was handled smoothly. I had some things happen in my personal life. I don't want to get into them, but they were major. Yet, I held it together smoothly. Come two weeks ago, I started to get the anxiety feeling. It just got progressively worse, to the point that I was ready to go to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. I was doing some cleaning and began dusting my piano. I came across a book that my Aunt Debbie had made of Uncle Jeff. I don't know what possessed me to do it but I sat down and began looking through it. It made me smile, so many good memories. Then it got to the part where his funeral is. Something came up on me that I couldn't stop. I just started to sob. I don't like to cry and this was one of those 30 minute hard cries. I really couldn't understand why but I was doing it. After I was done, I felt sooooooo much better. I realized that I had held in so many sad emotions over the past few months, resisting urges to let it out. It was like I instantly made it all go away. Wow, I definitely learned something. So I am doing better on that front.

The Broncos...this is not their year. They keep losing! (I would write about this in the Broncos Family blog, but apparently it has been taken down so YOU all get to read it here.) They have only won 2 games in regular season. UGH!!!!!! I hope the bye week two weeks ago is what they needed to kick it in gear. I still think McDaniels needs to go. It is exciting to watch my Eddie play, and the Tim Tebow thing is fun too. Watching him make his first running and passing touchdowns. He definitely has some talent. I am still a sucker for Kyle Orton tho. All the haters can go suck an egg.

Finally we have a new member in our family. My Mom almost gave me a stray cat that was roaming around her house. Turns out, it belonged to someone who isn't watching it too closely apparently. I was bummed. I already have one cat, but some reason I liked the idea of another kitty. I wanted a cat that I could name Killer the cat! Well, today I went over to the Enoch City animal shelter and hand picked a cat to adopt. She is gray, with one blue and one green eye. About four months old. Not a kitten, but not too small. I went to the shelter and they put me in a room with about 25 cats. I almost had a different one but that one was proving to be too skittish. With my household, I had to find one that would adapt well. I spotted this cat running around and playing with the other cats. I like friskiness. I picked her up, and she snuggled up on me. I was hooked. The lady at the shelter laughed when she wrote down "Killer" in the name slot. To top it all off, they waived the adoption fee, and she is getting spayed for free on the 30th. Socks is still kind of feeling her out, Tova of course loves her, tho Killer isn't too fond of him. She will get used to it. So yes, I, who has always professed my disdain for cats, now has two of em. And I love all of my animals.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I made it!!!

I had quite the weekend! Started out slow enough. I got my kids ready and their things packed and mine too. We headed down to St. George where my kids would be spending the night. I got ready and very freaked out went to this class reunion. It was at a residence that was huge and amazingly gorgeous, complete with a pond that you could take a paddle boat ride on. Immediately I was surrounded by about 7 girls from my class. I was happy to know that I remembered all their names. As the night progressed I was able to calm down and just relax. It was so nice to see so many people and have a good time. Upon leaving there I went over to my friend Andreas house where we had a couple of beers (I had two so I wasn't all drunk mind you, or even slightly buzzed, this is Utah after all.) We hung out for a couple of hours with Andi, her husband Keith and some of their friends. I hadn't seen them in so long and it was like we had started right where we had left off. Her husband and I exchanged insults and laughed. We even decided to make a late night Denny's run for old times sake. We laughed at the youthful people around us, remembering that it used to be us. We had some insane good times and giggled til our sides hurt and we were crying. I went to my folks' house and crashed on their couch. The next morning my kids and I loaded up into the van and headed to Vegas. I was exhausted but still enjoying myself. It was my cousin Lisa's daughters birthday party. The party was at a splash pad. I went to my Aunts house so they could lead me to where I was going. My Grandma came and rode along with me. She is so confused. I love her to death, but being 89 years young, she has her problems. I think about five times she asked me where we were going and another five times asking me whose birthday it was. What do you do tho? I didn't want to make her feel bad by getting frustrated so I just played along and pretended like it was the first time she asked. The birthday party was fun. Carys got to play with her cousins and seemed to really enjoy them. My kids of course had a blast. So it was a great time. After a couple of hours I headed out of Las Vegas. I had to get updates from people about the Broncos game, luckily Tom recorded it for me. It was a great game! I had dinner at my parents house and then came home. It was such a busy weekend, so tiring, and I loved it. I really wish that all weekends could be this enjoyable. My kids were tuckered, Colton even went to bed willingly. That is a rarity.
I also decided to register to be a marrow donor. That is so funny cause it involves needles. I got my packet yesterday and I was reading the literature. If I am a match I would have to get a shot every day for five days and then if they don't have to do surgery to get it out of my bone, they will stick a needle in one of my arms to draw blood out, send it to a machine to separate the cells that are blood generating and then send the rest back into me via another needle in my other arm. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Think I will call A&E to do a one hour special if I ever get called upon to do this. I could win an Emmy for me and needles are hilarious. I am scared to DEATH of them. But I will willingly do it if it means saving someones life, or giving them a better chance. So just you wait for my TV special. If you are interested in becoming a donor, I registered at .

Monday, September 13, 2010

School is back in. YES!

I think we all know that I ADORE my children. They are my world and mean absolutely everything to me. That being said, school is back in session and I couldn't be happier. Not that I enjoy my kids being away from me all the time, it is just so much noise and a whole lot of fighting when they are all home, all day every day. Whining and mischief it seems like all I do is run around putting out the little "fires" that keep popping up. I do admit that I feel guilty when I read peoples status updates on Facebook all sad that summer is over. They must be better at it than me. I wonder, "What is wrong with me?" But then, I can't help it dammit! It is also so wonderful to have time alone with Colton. It is his turn to have me to himself. The other two had their time alone with Mommy. We have so much fun. Just playing, doing chores, running errands and snuggling up to watch cartoons. He is very demanding of my time however. But that is my job. I really don't mind. Anyway there is a picture of my two older munchkins on their first day of school. Dylan is now in fourth grade YIKES!! Chloe is a big first grader, and is so in love with school. Dylan so far seems to be enjoying school, his bully is in another class. YES! Feel bad that now some other parent has to deal with that little )(*!.

Speaking of school, my 15 year class reunion is this weekend. I wish I could say I am looking forward to it, but I am not. I am having some huge anxiety issues about it. I wish I could get over it. Couple that with the fact that I will be going alone and that just adds to the panic I am feeling as Saturday approaches. I managed to weasel out of the last two but have decided that I need to face what ever fears and feelings of inadequacy and just go. I always saw myself as the book nerd/geek of the school. I mean, who takes AP Biology and LOVES it? Me that is who! I thought of myself as the school nerd for so long. Recently I have talked to old classmates who were shocked that I saw myself that way. Apparently I was wrong at how I was viewed. I have been told I was seen as "fun, friendly, smart and very cute" Ahhh. OK. That isn't so bad. So I feel better that about that. But still, I don't know why this reunion has me so freaked out?!?! But I am determined to get over it and face it. I am going to have a great time, and talk to old friends. The people I went to school with are (mostly) great people. So in the spirit of class reunions, I am including my Senior picture and a picture of me and my Grandpa when I graduated. Lately I have been missing him a lot, and this picture of the two of us hugging makes me happy. So wish me luck, and pray I don't back out at the last minute!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


This last weekend I was browsing the local stores. I saw a cute shirt and thought, "I want to try that." I noticed that it was in the plus size section of the store. Oh well, I still view myself as overweight no matter how much I tell myself I am not. I have bought clothes in that section a time or two and had it fit nicely. Much to my disapproval. So I found what I thought was my size. It was the smallest one I could find. I took the shirt into the fitting room. Turned around to look at the mirror and thought to myself, "This shirt is HUGE on me." It looked horrid because it was supposed to be somewhat form fitting and it just draped on me. As awful as this shirt was, I stood there with a smile on my face because I have officially been ousted from ever having to shop in that section of the store again. No offense is intended, but I have worked so hard at getting my nice body back that this was a confirmation to me of my accomplishment. Proud, I went over to the regular sized section and found a somewhat sexy shirt that was gorgeous. I automatically picked up the Extra Large size. Tried it on, and sure enough, it was too big. So I down graded. I think I have finally got it through my skull that I really am no longer overweight. I still have a bit of work to do, but I have been slacking lately and seeing that my figure is returning and on its way out from where it has been hiding has given me that shove I needed to "git-r-done." I have also now got it in my head that exercise is fun. Feeling the burn and the sweat is awesome, cause it puts me one step closer. And to top it off, I had to show my ID that same day, the guy behind the counter said, "No way, you don't look that old!" Didn't know if I should punch him or propose marriage.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

That was just a BLAST!!!

Yesterday will go down as one of my most unfavorable days in my life. It started out crummy, with just little things going wrong. Not fair cause it was my 11 year wedding anniversary. I made plans to go play with my friend Asia in St. George with our kids. We were going to take the kids to a splash pad for some water fun. Tom was busy all day so it wasn't going to be much fun here. Got the kids in their swimsuits, I put on mine and threw on my Broncos boxers and a tank and flip flops and we were OFF!!! I was heading down the road and got into the Black Ridge, about the half way point between Cedar and St. George. I noticed a little board or something like that that came out from underneath the car in front of me. I didn't have time to go around, and, it was just a board right? Shortly afterward I heard a thud sound repeatedly underneath me. I was pretty sure I had a flat. *SIGH* I pull over at the Pintura exit and got out and inspected my damage. Sure enough the right front tire was flat. GREAT! I called my Dad to see if he could come help. And called Asia to tell her I wouldn't make it. My Dad said he would head up. It occurred to me that I had taken auto shop in college and I could definitely change the tire myself. So I got out, and retrieved the jack in the back of the van and walked around to get started. Then I noticed a hissing sound and the back tire was going flat too. Needless to say I said a few bad words, luckily my kids were in the van. I got back in the car and called my Dad again, he was really going to have to come help me now. I couldn't get a hold of Tom, and I needed someone that could carry everyone in one vehicle. My Dad wasn't exactly thrilled either, and that back tire was brand new. DAMN IT!!! He and my Mom came up and my Dad removed my tires and threw them in the back of his truck. My kids were not really happy that they were missing their play date, but this was an adventure, and my folks and I were doing our best to stay calm. In the middle of nowhere in Southern Utah heat. Thank goodness I had filled up my over sized coke mug with ice water. We all loaded up into my Dad's extended cab truck and went as quickly as we could to St. George since it was Saturday and all the auto shops would close up early. We got to Big-O tires and while my Dad stayed there to get things taken care of, my Mom and I took the kids to their house so they could have some fun and be out of the way. I quick changed my clothes and went back to Big-O where they were finishing up. They were able to patch up the back tire, but the front tire was ruined. So I needed one new tire. Go to pay and I had forgotten my debit card, they don't take checks. Wonderful, and thank you Dad. (Yes I did pay my folks for the tire ugh!). My Dad and I then went back to Pintura and my Dad put the tires on the van and I headed to St. George. That is just exactly how I wanted to spend my day, my anniversary! PFFFTTTHHH!! However, things calm down quickly in my world and we went to eat at Golden Corral. While there I was looking at the buffet, a fella who had been sitting at the table behind us came up to me and said, "Excuse me, but I just want to tell you that your kids are beautiful. And they are so well behaved." I said, "MY KIDS?!?" He said, "Yes, especially for them being in such a busy public place, they have been so great." I thanked him with a smile and told my kids what had happened and that I was proud of em. Maybe I am doing a thing or two right. :o)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Does this happen to anyone else?

I am watching a comedy thing, really it is for kids, but I got into it. Well the guy on the show asks a riddle, "What is the moon worth?" I do not know the answer, so I wait impatiently for the answer. Just as he gives it my son and daughter come screaming in the room. *sigh* Thank goodness for DVR! I rewind it to just before he asks the question again, "What is the moon worth?" Here comes the answer...."MOM! COME SEE COLTON'S NEW TRICK!!" Grrr, pause the DVR go see Colton do a head stand. Sit down. Rewind. "What is the moon worth?" the answer is *BARK!**BARK!*BARK!* I yell, "Tova, leave the cat alone!" Rewind. "What is the moon worth?" which is quickly followed by a screaming parade of kids through the family room. OK, now I am getting pissed off. "Go in the other room and BE QUIET!!!" Rewind. "What is the moon worth?" I am determined to hear the answer this time. My phone rings, it is the hubby. I answer it, "WHAT?!?!?" I finish this call and )(*$!!! I am going to get the answer. Rewind. "What is the moon worth?" just as the TV shuts off. My cat jumped in my lap and hit the power button. WHAT THE *BAD WORD*? This is why I rarely watch TV while anyone is up, I haven't been able to finish a show in I don't know how long! I give up.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Normally a trip to the dentist is uneventful. For the regular person. But there is nothing normal about my life, so why should a routine dentist trip be any different. It was a family affair today. I have a never ending issue with my teeth. Dylan had a cavity, and well Chloe just has a mouth full of those buggers. I decided to schedule us all for the same afternoon. I was hoping Tom would be home in time to keep Colton, no such luck. I called my in-laws and they were busy all afternoon and had company coming over. I called my sister-in-law, the other Jamie Parry, and she was sick. No one was able to watch him. Oh well, my problem, and I was going to have to make it work. I loaded up the kids, and Tom called to say that he would come by the office and pick him up as soon as he could. Well I get there, and I am the first one to head back. There is a play area for kids in the office, but Colton didn't want to leave me. So the older two stayed in the play area while I took lil muncher back with me. Got me all juiced up and filled in. Colton was surprisingly well behaved and I thanked my lucky stars. They already had Dylan in the chair when I was finished and Chloe was next. Dylan is a trooper and does ok, so I wasn't too worried. They gassed up Chloe and luckily Tom showed up just as Dylan was finished up. He took the boys home and I braced myself for the onslaught that I was SURE was about to come. I did everything I could think of before hand to make sure it didn't get too ugly, I even bribed her. If you know my daughter, she is a hellion and a loud one at that. I told the dentist, this was going to be a challenge. He laughed and said, "Thanks for the warning." I could feel myself tensing up, glad I had taken a Xanax, cause I have a fear of needles, and needed it to stay calm to show my kids, "Nothing to it." I sat in the chair, ready to jump up. She refused to open her mouth until I sat down. Little stinker. I saw them put the needle in, and she didn't budge. What? Chloe? Hello? She didn't make a sound, didn't budge NOTHING. WOW!!! When he was done she looked at the dentist and said, "That didn't hurt." Kind of like a dare. There was a collective chuckle there. I was able to relax, and the dentist got to work. Chloe laid there and just watched Kung Fu Panda that they had on the ceiling mounted TV. I was shocked to say the least. As we left, she started talking about how her lip felt funny and how every time she goes to the dentist, it doesn't hurt. She had been so scared going in, she even brought her dolly to help her, and she clutched the doll until it was time. To say the least I was relieved that it went so well. She and I get to go back in a couple of weeks, for more work. And then probably again after that. I was so proud of my little girl. She was so brave and didn't make a sound. My boys were great too. Dylan was in and out so quick and Colton sat there and charmed all the nurses and assistants. He is a flirt. I am one proud Mama.

Friday, June 18, 2010

One Upmanship

Today I decided to take my kiddos to the park. It was a beautiful day, in the low 80's with a slight breeze. We went to the park, Whitni included, and then I stopped at the store to buy some much needed items. I was checking out when the lady ahead of me in my line, came up and said, "You have amazing taste in teams." I looked down and saw that she was wearing a broncos t-shirt. As was I. It was really cool. Then, the competition began.
Her: "I have more stuff than you can imagine"
Me: "I don't know about that"
Her: "I have a signed football from 1980"
Me: "I have 2 Eddie Royal jerseys, one signed and my son has Terrell Davis"
Her: "My husbands company has season tickets."
Me: "My family has season tickets"
Her: "I have a flag"
Me: "So do I"
Her: "I have over 20 t-shirts"
Me: "I have a Bronco sticker that takes up the whole rear window of my van, right above the
Broncos license plate frame"
Her: "I have Broncos cereal, an alarm clock and a lamp"
Me: "My Mom has Ed McCaffrey mustard, goes to at least one game every year, and even has
the seats from Mile High in her back yard."

Sorry, Mom, I had to pull out the big guns. She couldn't really top that last one. Meanwhile, my 17 year old step daughter and her daughter of approximately the same age gave us both "SHUT UP ALREADY" looks. We chatted for a bit, it was all in good fun. When I got to the front the lady checking me out said, "That was entertaining." Everyone got a kick out of it. Maybe I have a new friend to add to my Broncos family.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Now it is time to show what a difference a year can make. I am going to do a side by side comparison of me. On the left we have me in the spring of 2009. That is when I was about 200+ pounds. On the right we have me a few days ago. I am about 40 pounds lighter and feeling a LOT better. I am in a healthy BMI, and am not considered over weight anymore. It is such a relief! Granted, these aren't full body pics, but you can still see it in my face. I didn't make my goal weight for this summer, but that is OK. I still made some great progress and am looking forward to being to my goal weight sometime this fall. I am just so surprised that I didn't realize how chunky I had gotten sooner. It snuck up on me. I had used every excuse in the book, favorite being, I just had my third child! You can only use excuses for so long before you say, "I am FAT time to fix it." Starting tomorrow, I am back on my exercise and food watch routine. I am not dieting again. Diets and me don't work. I am way too stubborn. Even when I tell myself I can't eat this or that, I defy MYSELF to show MYSELF that I do what I want! Anyway, thank you so much for all the encouragement. I have the greatest people in the world in my life. :o)

Monday, June 7, 2010


After my little sad episode last week and the ultimate wake up, I decided to take my children to the library. Well the older two, because I wanted to actually experience the library rather than chase a two year old around. While the kids were in the children section of the library, I started browsing the books. I am stubborn when it comes to reading. If you tell me I have to read it, I won't. Like school or book clubs are not for me. If I am assigned reading in anyway, I will avoid it til the last minute. I guess it is my strong will playing out. I don't really understand why but it is that way. I don't care how interesting the book is I find a reason not to read it til the last minute, and even then, it is just a skim through. Anyway, back to the subject. I had heard about a memoir by Carolyn Jessop called Escape. A book that detailed the life of a woman raised in the FLDS. I decided to check it out. HOLY FLIPPIN COW! This was a good read. I finished it within a couple of days, it is easy reading tho. Being that I grew up right next to the towns of Hildale, UT and Colorado City, AZ, this book kinda has some meaning to me. These Polygamists were a constant in my world. No one really believed that this was a reality until you would drive them up to these towns and show them. I remember as a teenager seeing girls that were around my age either pregnant or carrying around babies. They dress like they just stepped out of a Little House on the Prarie set. Southen Utah frequently gets well above the 100 degree mark in the summertime and these women are dressed in layers of clothes and dresses down to their ankles, long sleeves and high collars. As I got older I began to realize the disgusting way these women were treated. I volunteered for a time at a Women's shelter, and that really opened my eyes. These women were severely abused. Emotionally, physically and sexually. It was awful to hear their stories, even worse was that they really didn't see anything wrong with it, because they were living the way God wanted them to. I am still in disbelief that this was happening in modern day America. The evil in me tho does like to indulge in standing up to a man from this community. They are condescending to all women and when one of them starts barking at me about whatever I like to remind them that they are not that important. I remember a friend of mine telling one, "Sir, I am not one of your wives, you canNOT talk to me that way." Hilarious to see the looks on their faces when a woman can dish it right back and he can't do anything about it.

Let me get one thing straight. I am all for freedom of Religion in this country. I am not necessarily against polygamy if all parties involved are consenting adults. Which is not usually the case here.

So reading this book was a little extra fascinating cause she mentioned the area I grew up in. She would mention a place and I could picture it. She even was able to attend the same college as I did. I wonder if I ever ran into her or her husband. I felt sorry for her. The way the other sister wives treated each other was awful. The way the older daughters were towards her was very bad. Most of all her husband, Merril Jessop, was disgusting. He married her out of a business arrangement with her Dad. Sad thing is, he wanted her younger, 16 year old sister, but got the names mixed up. She is the mother of 8 kids by him, and the fourth of his many wives. During the length of the book there were 6 wives, but since he has married more. He was abusive and fed the flames of the evil ways in which the family was toward each other. And for being such an outstanding citizen, he is considered the leader of the group that up and moved to Texas! This book also details her escape. The struggle but ultimate relief she experienced. How much we take for granted! Even hugging your children and showing them any affection is frowned upon. Really, I can't comprehend how people can be this way towards each other. But it is the way of life up there. And when Warren Jeffs took over, it got really bizarre up there. I remember hearing things about how he wouldn't allow red in the community, all children were pulled from school, his sermons would get leaked out-talk about creepy. He was a racist and I heard one of his sermons say how the blacks were dirty and evil. They say truth is stranger than fiction, and in this case it is. Little side note, when he was ultimately captured he was in a red SUV, wearing shorts and then my brother's best friend ended up on his jury.

To play the devil's advocate, I must say that this book is written from Carolyn Jessops view. I don't recall her mentioning herself participating in any of the abuse in the home. I wonder how she could not be that way if she was raised in this cult? I wonder what she left out? However, if she is in fact innocent of any of the blame, then good for her!

I would love to write a whole lot more, but this is already getting too long. If you are interested in cults at all, this is definitely a must read.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Heroes in Heaven

So in my last post I mentioned a blog that I was referred to. Well the author of that blog said that I could mention her and her blog. If you want to read what helped me realize that my life was easy compared to many out there go read Heroes in Heaven. Thank you Colleen Terrill. And God bless you!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Today was one of those days for me. I can't really explain it. Anyone who has battled depression might understand. From the moment I woke up I just had this overwhelming feeling of sadness. I laid there in bed listening to Dylan and Chloe doing their "chores" so that they could go over to their cousins house. Eventually my bedroom door opened, "Mom can we go to Tyson's house?" I gave a very un-present like answer of "Yea, be back by 11." I listened to Colton yell at me and try to make me get up. I just couldn't drag myself out of bed. It took me a half an hour of contemplation to finally force myself up. I got Colton out of the crib and methodically did the morning routine. Get dressed, change diapers, pick up a little, comb my hair, make up. But no matter what nothing made me shake that "impending doom" feeling that I get. Feelings like something very bad is about to happen, or someone is out to get me. Anxiety. I knew I was feeling a panic attack coming on but I was being stubborn and thinking, "GET A GRIP!" I went and took my daily Zoloft dose and then finally decided, "What the hell?" And took a mild dose of the Xanax. I don't like to take the Xanax when there isn't another adult around. But time has taught me that I need to listen to myself when the warning signs are there. Xanax has done the trick on taking the edge off of it all but the sadness was still all consuming. With that sadness comes anger. I should be happy! I have a very good life! I know it is a condition that I have, but come on! So I kept myself busy being the Mom, taking care of kids, dishes, laundry, bathroom cleaning, vacuuming. Usually if I can keep myself occupied, my mind will wander and I will forget all the whining in my head. It helped but I still couldn't shake it! Then I figured, this is just not a good day in my mind. So I went to the computer and logged on. One of the groups I have created on facebook sent me to a woman's blog. A Mother, who had lost her son a few years ago in a go cart accident. I won't name them out of respect for their privacy. She wrote a detailed description of the day of the accident and the motions that she had to go through the following days. It was heart breaking. I cried for her. I never met her, but wanted to go find her, hug her, and tell her I was here for her. I can't imagine anything worse than losing a child. She even describes her life now, and the grief is still pretty raw. Yet through reading all of this sadness, my life regained the perspective it usually has. I am overall a happy person. I realize how lucky I am. It was as tho God was showing me what I needed to get out of the funk. Thank you Lord! So now, I need to go salvage what is left of today.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

FAIL! Well, not really.

Looking back on my fitness goals, I have missed this first round. Meaning I wanted to be at a certain weight by this time. Yet, it wasn't a complete loss, so to speak. I have in fact, lost weight. I am way past the thirty pound loss mark. If you look at pictures of me from one year ago, you can see it. So I can't be too disappointed in myself. I am by no means giving up either. I haven't really had any changes in a few months. I haven't lost but more importantly I haven't gained. I look at myself in the mirror and feel a lot better about myself. I actually bought myself a bikini. I dreaded putting it on but when I finally tried it, I was surprised that I didn't look like a total porker. Yes, I need some tightening up, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I have been out sun tanning in the back yard, not a lot, I am too fair skinned to ever get very dark, but I just want a little bit of a sun "glow". Before anyone asks, NO I will NOT be posting pictures of me in this bikini any time soon. If I get down to where I want to be, you might see it, but for now it isn't happening. I am sporting my summer clothes with confidence. I haven't worn shorts out in public in a very long time. I can now go to the store wearing shorts and flip flops and not feel like a total idiot. It feels really good to have more confidence in myself. I don't think I am drop dead gorgeous, or model caliber, I feel like a good average woman and I love it. I love running into people I haven't seen in a while, every time they mention that I have thinned down. It is nice that people have taken notice. Thanks to everyone for the encouragement and help you have given me. It has helped me a LOT!
Now for my next goal. I want to finish this weight loss, AND not this year but next be able to run the St. George Marathon. I am not saying that I will do it, but I want to be able to if I want to.

Monday, May 17, 2010


A couple of months ago on Facebook, Eddie Royal had a contest. In a nut shell, I came in first place. Because of that I was able to have two items signed. All I wanted was a jersey signed. So I gave the other one to my friend Tony. We both had jersey's signed, his was a home one and mine was an away one. I can't even begin to say how THRILLED I am. Eddie Royal is my obsession these days. Seriously, ask anyone who knows me, I practically worship the guy. I intend to put this baby in a shadow box and display it. Eddie is a class act guy, has a wonderful attitude and is so down to earth. I wish more athletes were this way. Thanks again Eddie, YOU ROCK!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Poor kid!

I swear, my Colton just can't catch a break. He is barely 2 years old and he has from the moment he was born had a slew of things happen. When he was born he had respiratory issues that kept him in the hospital a few days, then jaundice which he had to sleep under billi lights. Or as I prefer to say, baby tanning bed. Then who can forget last year with his seizures? He had a spinal tap, mri's eeg's and enough blood taken to supply the red cross. Finally we get that mess taken care of. Fast forward to a few weeks ago and he has a ruptured ear drum, impetigo, throat infection and he had burned his hand on my curling iron. Which brings us to today. Last night, I lay in bed thinking, "I haven't had to go to the ER in a long time. That is so cool!" I should have shut up my thoughts. Today started out OK. I had made arrangements for Konner to come over. His Mom needed to stay in bed and so I went and got him. He is really a cutie, and my kids ADORE him. I went and got him, got us some tacos and came home. Two 2-year olds, are hilarious to watch interact. The babble and excitement and animation are quite entertaining. Chloe got home early, it is early out here on Wednesdays. She played with the boys for a while. Then we all went outside. We were out there, and I had videotaped Colton going down the slide and sent it to my folks and hubby. While I was sending it, Colton got in the way of the swing that the other two were on. It is one of those double seater cage like things. With metal edges that nailed Colton square in the head. I reached down to pick him up and there was blood everywhere. I saw that it was coming out of his head. Yes head wounds are the worst. It was like a little river of blood. I rush him into the house and grab a towel to try to stop the bleeding. I got it to stop and tried to get a closer look. He was so mad at me for bringing him in the house. Well, I told the other two to come in and took Colton in my lap to inspect him. I couldn't really see the wound, but it had stopped bleeding fairly quickly. I decided that it would be O.K. And I would put him down for his nap so that I could keep an eye on it while he was calm. He never went to sleep so after about 30 minutes I grabbed him and was able to see it. It was a nice gash on the back left side of his head. I decided I had better check it out, if nothing to have them tell me nothing was wrong and go home. Dylan got out early too, so I kicked it into gear. I called Konners Mom and she said it was OK to bring him home, and then I arranged to take the older two over to my in-laws. My kids would much rather spend the afternoon with Grandma and Grandpa than in a doctors office. I took my two over to their Grandparents and then ran over and took Konner home. Then decided to go to Insta-care rather than the hospital. For many reasons. 1. It is substantially cheaper co-pay. 2. A lot less busy 3. A lot more relaxed. I got over there and they got him right in. (AND rather than have to pay a $100 ER copay, I only had to pay a $35 Specialist copay.) They decided that he would need to have something either stitches or staples. But rather than get a shot, they used a gel that they repeatedly applied over the next hour. In the mean time we watched Spongebob. It was a very nice experience really. They were all so great over there. Well they took him back and the Dr. and I discussed the options. We decided to go with staples because we knew he would throw a fit and he is one very tough 2 year old. It would be less traumatic for him to be held down for the duration of a stapling vs. stitches. So they put 4 staples in his head. The "boo boo" looks so sad, but you wouldn't know that he had anything happen to him by the way he acts. It is like nothing happened. I am so happy for that. I am sure I will be checking on him all night. Hey, cut me some slack, it's a Mommy thing.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

So far, so good

Well this week went much better in the Parry household. Luckily Dylan hasn't had any issues with Steven. There was one little verbal thing, but oh well, they got over it. I think the Principal, besides sitting down and talking to the boys, also talked to the bully's folks. Dylan says that they don't really hang out together and when they are around each other, they avoid contact. Oh I am so hopeful that it is all over. I got a lot of support from friends on this. I did get a couple of people thinking I should just have let it alone. Oh hell no! I do believe that if possible, yes my kids should fight their own battles. But I will step in when my kid is sick cause of it and getting punched. If people don't like it tough. These are MY kids not yours. I get to make the decisions not you. I will do what I think is best regardless of what everyone else thinks. There, just had to get that out. Dylan is back to the fun loving, sweet boy he was before this whole mess. I love it! I was so proud of him yesterday. He told me that there was a boy and a girl fighting. The boy reached up and was going to punch the girl. Dylan and his friend, Jared, got in front of the girl, and protected her. How awesome is that? My little boy is amazing. No wonder the teacher says he is so liked at school. Colton is doing good. He is over all his ailments it seems. He is asserting himself well. He has learned that in order to make it with his older siblings, he is going to have to make his wants well known. Chloe is loving school and is thriving. She is so smart! A little pain in the ass most of the time, but beautiful and smart. It is so fun to watch them all grow. Learn new things and to think, "Wow, those beautiful creatures are MINE!" I swear there is nothing better in this world.

As for me, I am alive and well. I am getting used to some new glasses. I have had them about a month, and wonder, "why didn't I get them sooner?" I haven't lost anymore weight, but I haven't gained any either. I love it. I love feeling healthy. I love seeing myself now compared to a year ago and thinking, "DAMN! I am HOT!" Little more ways to go, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Then I can be Tom's "trophy wife" HAHA! Yea right!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Situation

I have learned, that parenting is a blood sport. It is not for the timid. The whole process will overwhelm you and eat you alive if you show any form of weakness. I am learning that every day. Particularly when it comes to Dylan. Since he is my oldest, I get to experience everything for the first time with him. I realize my last post talked about how he is thriving. For the most part he is. But recently, I have had to deal with the "bully" problem. I know we all deal with these weenies at least once in our lifetimes, but it doesn't prepare you for when it happens to your kid. There is one boy in Dylan's class that fits the stereotypical mold of a bully. He is bigger than his classmates and is an angry child. Last week, on a Monday, Dylan came home and said he wasn't feeling good. I could tell something else was going on so I forced it out of him. This kid was pushing him around. Ok, we will take care of it, but not that huge of a deal right? I wasn't that worried. The next day, Dylan convinced me that he was sick and so I let him stay home. The next day, Wednesday, I was prepared to make him go to school and face it head on, but he was throwing up he was so upset. I called the school and talked to his teacher who said that she would talk to him and his parents and try to get this taken care of. She told me that it wasn't just Dylan, that Steven has had issues with a lot of kids and that he does have a problem. OK, so Dylan went to school on Thursday. Nothing happened. Friday rolled around and Dylan had a birthday party for his friend. I was highly reluctant on letting him go, because this bully, Steven, would be there, and he had threatened to "tear Dylan to pieces" if Dylan went. It was at an inflatable play place and Dylan so wanted to go regardless. And I realized, I can't let some little pain in the ass dictate what my kid could do. So I took him, and then called his Dad, because I didn't want him to be there without one of us watching. Tom had been a bit concerned about all of this so he said he would go. Apparently this Steven kid was relentless with Dylan, hitting, pushing and even sitting on him. Tom is friends with the birthday boys Dad, and so the Dad sent some bigger kids over to teach him a lesson. We both agreed. BAD IDEA! We don't condone that, but what do you do?
Well on Monday, Dylan had some issues and managed to get himself into a spat of trouble, but it wasn't a big deal. I discussed the situation with the teacher and she was trying so hard, but Steven has anger issues. YOU THINK?!?!?! Tuesday was uneventful, and I thought, "Maybe it is over with." Well yesterday, was the last straw. Dylan came into the house and with tears in his eyes said, "I just had the worst day of my life!" I asked what had happened, and Dylan said that Steven and another kid cornered him on the playground punched him three times in the back and then smacked him on the side of the head. Retaliation for what had happened at the party despite the fact that Tom and Dylan hadn't done anything. That was it for me, I was pissed off, sorry, but I was. No one beats on my kid without Mama Bear coming out. I called the Principal this time. I had numerous conversations with the teacher and she was doing all she could, but it just wasn't working. I waited about a half an hour so I could calm down. I told the Principal about it and he was reassuring that he would get to work on it. If he can't make it stop then we will have a group meeting with the parents of this little jackass. Well Dylan just got home and I asked him how the conversation with Principal Taylor went and he said good. He thinks that they can now be friends. I am wary, but I have to have faith in my Son. He is a good, smart kid so I told him, "I don't want you playing with him, please be careful." I certainly hope this is the end of it. Otherwise I will be having a showdown with his parents and I guarantee I will be relentless until this kid learns his lesson.
I had asked Dylan's teacher, "You said he had lots of friends?!" She said, "He does, I think he is the most liked kid in this classroom which is probably why Steven is jealous and wants to hurt Dylan." We gave Dylan permission to defend himself and whomp this kids ass, but that isn't in his nature. Dylan is such a tender and sweet soul. We do want him to fight his own battles, but when it gets physical we have to make it stop. Maybe I am overprotective but bullying is not something I tolerate either towards or from my kids Chloe will probably end up on the other side of the situation, Lord help us all! We have decided that we will have his Uncle Cameron teach him karate, since he is a 3rd degree black belt. Maybe that will give him the confidence and ability to defend himself when need be but the discipline to not use it unless he has to.
And if that wasn't enough, my baby isn't feeling well. I knew he had a cold but it developed into an ear/throat infection which caused a ruptured ear drum with all that fun gunk coming out of his ears. This also developed impetigo under his nose and he had grabbed my professional grade curling iron so he has a nice burn on his hand. I took him to the doctor to get treated, and said, "CPS isn't going to show up are they?" He laughed and said, "I think all kids grab the curling iron at least once!" Well, true, all three of mine have done it now. But this poor kid looks so sad. A red ear with stuff coming out, an upper lip and nose that is bloody and red, and a nice big burn on his hand. And then paying for all the prescription meds for this kid, all I can say is WHOA MAMA! Even WITH insurance. LOL. But that is the life of a parent. And with all the headache, stress and bloodshed, I love it. My kids are my world, and they bring us so much happiness.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Oh the joys of parenthood.

Today and yesterday were my S.E.P conferences with my kids' teachers. These are your basic Parent teacher conferences. Yesterday was Dylan. I met with his teacher. There isn't much change. He is super smart, just can't seem to handle the pressure. He is a bit immature due to the fact that he barely made the cut off point for his enrollment. So he is younger than his peers. However that is improving. He is making progress. Whew. His teacher pointed out that he does have one or two eccentric behaviors, but for the most part he is growing. Reading and spelling tend to be his struggling points. Science and math he is very good at. I have come to the conclusion that I will push him, but not too hard. I have decided that he will learn at his own pace, and when he isn't under pressure, it is amazing how well he does. I asked her how he was doing socially, and she told me that she can't think of anyone who doesn't like him. He has lots of friends and is always playing well with others. YAY DYLAN!! My only complaint about his teacher is that she talks to me like I am an idiot. I counted five times that she said, "I don't know if you can understand this but...." It was so annoying. Oh well, maybe the other parents aren't able to grasp it. But really I do have an I.Q. higher than a peanut!

Today was Chloes conference. She is doing exceptionally well. School was made for this kid. She loves it so much, she gets upset that she is out early this week. And she also wants to stay all day. LOL. Makes me happy to see my kids so eager to learn. Her teacher said that she remembered suggesting that she should go into extended day Kindergarten. She didn't test at level. That was because she refused to answer questions. I told the teacher, "Just wait. She is a sponge and I guarantee she can handle it." I was right. She is high above level in many areas. GO CHLOE!! AND she is behaving herself! I had warned her teacher at the beginning of the year, that her attitude leaves a lot to be desired. But, there have been no problems with her so far. Why in the world can't that child be that way at home?!?!? Here she is a raging little turd, there she is an angel?!?!

All in all, I am very proud of my kids. They are thriving and as a Mom it makes me feel good and like I am doing something right with them. I am sure you other parents can understand the feeling of second guessing yourself constantly. When you get those little reassurances that they are great kids, it makes you feel pretty prideful.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Political Compass

I just took a couple of Political quizzes, to see where I fall. They are all coming back Libertarian. You can take a look at the chart on the left and where the red dot is located, is where I measure up. With a small lean to the "right" I think this last quiz I took at was probably the most accurate so far. I used to be as liberal as they came. But as I age I am finding my views to be shifting to the more conservative side. I am not thrilled with either the Republicans or the Democrats. I, as of late, have been advocating a third party system. Anymore I don't see a huge difference between the D & R's. My feelings are that we need to get out of big Government, the more freedom the better. I am tired of the Government legislating our morals, our behavior and what we can and can't do in what seems like every aspect of our lives. This is supposed to be a free nation. Part of that freedom is a free market and the upholding of our Constitution. If you are interested in seeing where you lie, or at least get an overall idea, I encourage you to take this quiz. I have also included a few charts below to give you a reference to where I stand. Should be interesting for a

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's Working!

Recently I had to get a refill on my crazy Mom meds. I then received a phone call from my doctor who needed to authorize the renewal. It went like this,
Dr: "Hi Jamie, I have been looking over your chart and noticed that you have been losing weight"
Me: "Yes."
Dr.: "I would like to ask why?"
Me: "Because I didn't like being fat!"
Dr.: "O.K. so it is on purpose. Good Job."

I found the conversation funny. At first I didn't know what to make of it, until I realized that he was making sure that it wasn't the depression that was causing it. I explained to him, that no, this was in fact me working my ass off. Literally. I am at the point that the rapid weight loss is over, I am now inching my way down. Make no mistake, I am still losing pounds, just not as quickly as before. I am so pleased with what I am accomplishing. I really wish that more people would maybe use my story as an inspiration. I know it isn't easy, but it isn't as hard as some might think. You need to find out what works for you. I don't really diet. I just count my calories. I also am finding workouts and ways to keep moving that I find enjoyable. This might not work for everyone but it works for me. I can't tell you how inspiring it is to run into someone I haven't seen in a while and have them look at me and say, "You look good! You have lost weight!" It never gets old and it happens quite frequently. I really don't notice myself looking different until I look at pictures from a year ago and think, "OMG, yuck!" I still have a way to go but I know I can do it. I am well on my way to being that one Hot Mama! Well at least a nice looking Mama.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Last night I went to the Eric Dodge and Travis Tritt concert. I had an amazing time. I hadn't planned on going until last week I thought, "Hey that might be fun." So I was able to hook up with my friend Tami who got us the tickets and we had a girls night. The evening started out with us going to dinner and then heading over. The first show was Eric Dodge. I had mentioned him before and I am going to do it again now. He did absolutely AMAZING. He is truly talented and so is his band. Watching him and listening to him mature as an artist is fascinating. He has a great presence on stage. It seems as tho he is on the same level as the audience, jamming with us not just for us. He has a new album coming out this April, I cannot wait. He played some music off of it and all I can say is WOW! Good job Eric, you are well on your way to making it BIG!
After Eric Dodge was Travis Tritt. I had seen him before. This show was much better. Last time he fell off the stage. Really. One had to wonder why?! He played a lot of his older hits along with some of his newer ones. I have always loved his music. When I was in college I had his greatest hits CD and my roommates and I used to play that thing until it wore out. I loved hearing his rockin' tunes and his acoustic session where it was just him and his guitar. He put on a great show.

After it was all over, I can say we had a great evening. I love my kids and all but sometimes it is fun to remember that I am more than just a Mom sometimes and I do like to have a good time with the girls.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Broncos Family

My friend, the new Bronco fanatic, has started a new blog and he has invited me to share in it. It is a place where we can share our obsession for the Broncos with the world. So for anyone out there who has any love for the team, check out or click on the "Broncos Family" link on the right side bar of this blog. We talk about news, our opinions or just whatever has us thinking about our Boys. Even if you aren't really into the Broncos you should check it out. It really is a great site.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Well, the wait is over, It finally got here! I am talking about my Eddie Royal jersey. I was a bit nervous, since I bought it on eBay. They stated that it was new in NFL store pack packaging, but, you never know. I was thrilled when it was finally delivered! I tore open the box, and they were right, brand new, never worn, in NFL store packaging. SWEET! Now I am sooo ready for next season, I can't wait to be wearing this baby every Sunday. I love football and most of all GO BRONCOS!!!!!! Please excuse the photos, I had my five year old take them. Not bad considering.....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I have a friend who has very recently joined my clan in the larger picture of Broncos family. Why is this something I want to write about? Cause it is a complete shock is why. The Sunday after my birthday, I rolled out of bed and my phone was beeping that I had some messages. They were notifications for my facebook. OK, I am still groggy but I head over to the computer and log on. There is a message from my dear, old friend, Tony in Alaska, talking about how he has decided he needs to rethink his football team. A quick history: Originally he was a Vikings fan, but due to the fact that Favre will always be a Packer and the way the team was being run, he got disgusted and left without looking back. Make no mistake, he tried to stay loyal but couldn't do it. My heavens, the Vikings made the playoffs, and he still couldn't get behind them, so that told me how serious he was about saying goodbye to the Vikings. He then decided to go for the 49ers since he lived there a while. Frankly I don't care one way or another for them, sometimes I am for them, sometimes against them. Again, he tried, but just wasn't feeling it. I watched him try and love the team, but it wasn't happening. Even thousands of miles away I could tell. He and I would go back and forth bantering about our teams. Me always praising my Broncos, him, laughing at me and giving me hell. So imagine my surprise when I logged on that Sunday morning to find out that he was now on my side! He was pledging his loyalty to the DENVER BRONCOS!!! I read through all had written to me. I thought, "How much beer did I drink last night?!? I need some coffee, that cannot be right." I got up, made me some coffee, woke up and sat down thinking, that I was imagining things. There it was again. He was a Broncos Fan! Tom heard me say, "What the hell? This must be a joke!" He asked me what I was talking about and I told him. He just said, "Its a good thing, more Broncos fans the better!" I agree. But do you know how much crapola I got from this guy? In a matter of two weeks, he has gone from announcing his loyalty to full fledged, obsessed, fanatic! He never showed this much enthusiasm for the niners or the Vikings, whom he cheered on, for 41 years! So I believe him when he says this is the real thing. I have been able to share with him what I know, but he is quickly surpassing me to the point that I am going to soon be asking HIM for knowledge. I love having a another friend as a fellow fanatic. It is nice having people to discuss the team with. I have introduced him to a couple of my friends who are just as nuts as I am, Susan and my Mom. They have embraced him and are excited to have him on our side. Tony and I were discussing this recently and he said that he never really understood what I meant by "bleeding Blue and Orange" He just thought I was crazy! He now gets it. He understands the pride and commitment I have for the Broncos. He has taken this on full speed ahead. I am still in shock. Just a matter of a few weeks ago, he was giving me a hard time. All football season I heard it from him. (Broncos fans are used to it.) I can hardly wait for next season. I am always happy for fall football season, but even more this time cause we have a new fellow, insanely crazy, devoted fanatic. So welcome, Tony, you can look forward to your initiation soon. ;o) I am very excited to have him along for this wild and crazy ride. If you would like to check out Tony's blog, where he himself is discussing his own transformation, please click on the "Broncos Family" or the "Anchorage Daily" link on the right sidebar of my blog.

While I know other teams have their crazy fans, I must say Broncos take the cake. The love the fans have are enormous.
When we win, you can't shut us up for a week. When we lose, as sad as we are, we are still madly in love with our boys.
"Here's to you, Mile High Denver Bronco Fans and your two favorite teams. The Broncos and whoever is stomping Oakland!"

Friday, February 5, 2010


I finally did it! I actually have purchased my Eddie Royal jersey! I have been dying to get my hands on one of these puppies, but have been apprehensive. Why? Because the cheapie in me, didn't want to pay full price for a jersey, just to have him get traded. I went on eBay and managed to find a "new, never worn, in NFL store packaging" ER jersey yesterday. For less than half of what they cost normally. I cannot wait to get it.
Make no mistake, I am a HUGE fan of Denver Broncos Wide Receiver Eddie Royal. He has a wonderful talent and is mesmerizing to watch. I drug my feet picking a new favorite player after my original favorite player, Terrell Davis, retired. I decided to set my my sights last year on either a rookie or a 2nd year player. I watched the early 2008 season and something about that number 19 guy just leaped out at me almost immediately. I was hooked! Thanks to friends in Denver and the Internet, I have been able to read up on him. I have a friend in Denver that sends me articles, programs and all that. Thanks Susan!

Mr. Royal doesn't take for granted his talents. Besides his great game, he has a wonderful attitude. He seems to understand that fans are a blessing. He has a facebook page where he himself will post messages and interact with us normal people. Not many do that. Being that he is so young it is nice to see him grasp the nice guy role. Not the "I am so great, and so young, WORSHIP ME!" That attitude is way too prevalent. If you are a Broncos fan, keep an eye on this guy. He may still be learning the ropes, but he is well on his way to greatness. And to my Broncos Gods, please, please, please, PLEASE!!!! Hold on to Brandon Marshall!!!!!!

p.s. Watch for the pics of me in my beloved Eddie Royal jersey. *sigh* So dreamy!

Sunday, January 31, 2010


This movie was absolutely amazing! I had my birthday last Friday, and as part of my "birthday weekend" going to see this was part of it. I am generally not attracted to the Sci-Fi sort of genre, but this one is really good. I had heard a lot of good things about it from family and friends and I decided to give it a shot. I was not at all disappointed. Originally it was going to be Tom and I going to the movie. I could tell he didn't really want to go so I gave him the "out" he needed and took my two older kids. My 8 year old and 5 year old. I thought Dylan would like it. He loves anything robotic and alien. I was worried about how Chloe would handle it. Well, she had a blast. She was intrigued and not once did she freak out. When things jumped out at you she would laugh her little head off. When there was fighting she would giggle and say, "That's gonna hurt!" My little girl is as disturbed as her Mother. Dylan was just amazed at the effects. He kept reaching up to touch the things floating around. Since the movie is in 3-D it completely immerses you into the planet "Pandora". I found myself almost believing that I was part of it all. The storyline reminds me of 'Dances with Wolves' But way cooler. I highly recommend it to everyone. I can't wait for the rest of the trilogy to make it to theaters!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union

Last night was the annual State of the Union address. I can't say I am inspired. As always, it bored the heck outta me. It was the same thing, different President. They always toot their own horn, talk about how we need to come together and how it is the other sides fault. I got a kick out of Supreme Court Justice Alito's response to Mr. Obamas criticism. Other than that, I sat there, drifting in and out of consciousness for 70 minutes of my life. Before anyone gets excited and pegs me an Obama hater, I have this same criticism of every SU address. For once I think it would be cool if the President got up there and in five minutes or less said, "This is what is going on, This is what I am doing, This is what I hope to accomplish." When you cut it down, it wouldn't take but a few minutes for him to say what needed to be said. But in between the standing ovations and jabs at the right it was the same old thing. Just insert the issues of the moment. Tom was watching it with me and all he could say was, "They must be Lutheran, stand-up, sit-down...." He always teases me about that and my Church. I was hoping for something different. Seeing as this is supposed to be such a different President. But he doesn't seem to be able to think for himself. I never wish for the failure of our Presidency. I keep hoping that something will happen that will make me say, "OH YEA! He is one awesome President." Hasn't happened yet. For once I am so grateful that I didn't vote for a sitting President. Again, before anyone gets excited, I didn't vote for him cause I knew he would win. I vote for who I think is going to lose so I can bitch about it. Anyway, you would think I would learn my lesson but every year I turn it on. Stare at the mind numbing boob tube like a zombie and think, "EVERY DAMN YEAR!"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I have finally measured myself. Something I haven't done since July. I am happy with my results so far, but look forward to more being long gone. So, without further delay, here are my three main areas. I am only putting down how much I have lost not the actual measurements.
Waist: -9.5 inches
Arms : -2 inches
Thighs: -2 inches
I am thrilled with these numbers. I have lost over a foot all over. I don't expect my butt to really go down too far. I have always had a bubble butt. I can firm it up tho. I do like what I am seeing when I get out of the shower and don't shudder. My only regret is that I let my depression and anxiety get in the way of a healthier me. I wish I would have done this sooner. Feeling and looking better makes it so much easier to get through the day. And while Tom has always told me how pretty he thinks I am, I can tell that he is enjoying the rediscovered self that I am returning to. :o)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Well, it was fun.

Yep, it was fun while it lasted. The Vikings lost in overtime to the Saints. It was a great game despite the fact that my team lost. Depressing. Oh well. Super Bowl is coming up in a couple weeks and it is between the Saints and the Colts. I really don't care who wins that much. But since in this world we usually have to pick a team, I choose the Colts. Can't go wrong with a team that shares its name with my son COLTon. So, GO COLTS. Maybe I can convince my hubby to take me to Vegas for the cool Superbowl parties on Fremont Street. We did that once, and had a blast! And we rode roller coasters and had yummy food. (Ever try a deep fried Oreo, oh man, so bad for my diet but one of the best things in the world!) So, maybe I will go get me one of those big cups in the shape of footballs and have some Margaritas, with a double shot of alcohol...whoopee!

I want to write about something serious right now. Unfortunately, there is so much to write about. There is so much to think about in this world. Disasters, politics, poverty, gender issues, if the Jazz can make the playoffs. I can't wrap my mind around anything right now cause I am tired. So in a couple of days I will try to come up with something that stimulates thought, or maybe even riles anger like my Gun post did. Maybe I will write about THAT! You wouldn't believe the correspondence I have gotten from people on both sides over my opinion. If you have something that you would like me to share my thoughts on, let me know.
I want to mention that some friends and I found that we are gunning for the same fitness goals. So much so we started a group on Facebook called "Lose It!" It is a group that we hope to inspire, encourage and challenge each other to feeling better about ourselves. Most of us are on there for a weight loss help, but there are 1 or 2 that just want to get and stay healthy. If you are going for those goals and want a little bit of a 'cheering' section, let me know and I will send you an invite to the group. Of course you have to be on Facebook.

With that I will say goodnight. :o)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

My first blog

So I have forgotten that on my Myspace, which I hardly go to anymore, is where I used to blog. So, if you are at all interested in my life from January 2007 until May 2009 (when I started THIS blog) I have opened it up to public view. I had forgotten a lot of things and it was interesting for me to see what my life was like!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I have nothing exciting that I want to write about at the moment. I thought about politics again, but nah, not in the mood. So you all get to read about my super cool doggy. I wanted a dog a few years ago. I love dogs more than any other pet and I was chomping at the bit to get one. I really am not peculiar about breeds however I refuse to pay money to buy a dog. I will pay an adoption fee and such from a shelter or rescue group but it seems ridiculous to me to pay a butt load of money for a dog when you can get a similar mutt for free or next to nothing. Tom, on the other hand, seems to be picky. His dream dog is an English Mastiff, that my friend and her mom breed. She will cut us a deal but still, its paying quite a bit for a dog with an expected lifespan of ten years. Uh, not at this moment, thanks. They did mention that if they had one that was a runt that they couldn't get rid of it was ours free and clear. So there is a shot! In January 2005 I had mentioned that my friend was breeding her border collie and she said I could have one. Tom quickly rebuffed, "You aren't getting no border collie" to which I replied, "Hey, you get your dog, I get mine! I want a dog!" He couldn't really argue with that. One day he was looking at dog breeds on the Internet. He had seen an ad for a dog and wanted to know if it is what he thought it was. Ok. He kept mentioning this dog that was free in the paper. He then later in the evening said, "Why don't you call and see if this dog is still available." I got irritated cause he was bringing up the dog again. I said, "What is it with you and this dog?!?!?" He said, "I DON'T want a border collie, you don't care about breeds but I do and I don't want to come home to a border collie. If I arrange this dog for you, you will have your dog and that will be the end of it!" Alrighty then. So we went that night and looked at the dog. We fell in love immediately. He is a Samoyed. A dog I have never heard of. But one of the prettiest dogs I have ever seen. We ended up taking him home that night. We haven't ever regretted that decision. He is the friendliest thing you ever saw. He LOVES kids and will let them crawl all over them. I never have to worry about him biting a strange child for pulling hair or bothering him when he is eating. I love this dog. My biggest complaint however, besides the shedding issue, is that I thought he was the biggest wuss on the planet. I wanted a dog for some protection for our home, he didn't fit that job description. And he likes to run. If he gets out he shoots out of that gate like nothing else! Samoyed's are bred to be sled dogs, well, that definitely set in him! The other day he got out. I was here alone with the kids and Tom had my car. Well, I went running after him. Cool cause I had missed my workout! Look at the bright side huh? After chasing him for probably 20 minutes I caught up to him playing with three other dogs. One of those dogs is considered vicious. He will bite. His owner came out and kept warning me to stay on the perimeter of his extension leash. OK. Well I got up to Tova and the mean dog lunged at me. I was out of reach, but Tova didn't like it one bit. I don't know if it was cause he thought I was in danger or what but Tova went crazy on this dog. I actually saw Tova attack something. And he went for the neck and had that dog pinned to the ground. I was STUNNED. The owner and I broke them up and I took him home. Proud that my dog can in fact kick some hiney. He really is awesome, and while he is really the family dog, in truth he is all mine. Thanks honey, you did good on this one!

Monday, January 18, 2010

"I have a dream....."

I was going to write today about the disgust I am beginning to feel for where our country is going. Then I started thinking about how today is Dr. Martin Luther Kings birthday. Today is a day about human rights and equality for all people. He was an inspiration to people of all races. An icon that reminds us that love and action can get you a lot further than hatred and ignorance. So in honor of MLK day, I decided to post a video of his speech given on August 28, 1963. I have read and heard this speech frequently, kinda happens when you are in numerous Political Science courses and a Sociology major! Now this is the WHOLE speech, which is long. I would hope that you listen every word and reflect on them.
This is a link to youtube.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Teams.

Football season is coming to a close, the playoffs are underway. I am so thrilled that the Vikings are moving forward. They just beat the Cowboys and next week they will play the Saints for NFC championship. While I am basking in the glory of a Vikings ass handing to the Cowboys, I am a bit frightened about next week. Saints are having a great season. I guess I should be happy that the Vikings are doing so well and are making it far, but I would love it if just ONE of my teams played in the Superbowl. And since my #1 team, the Broncos are way out of the running I am putting on my Vikings gear and showing some love to my Minnesota roots. (Grandpa is from there.) I usually have a family get together at my Mom's for the Superbowl for my birthday. Really, a Superbowl party, Football has always ruled my family's life! Tho, I opt to not celebrate any more birthdays, they keep coming, so I drag my feet and put on a fake smile...."here's to one more year!" UGH! Anyway, back to football. I am seriously hoping and praying that the Vikings can pull out a win next time and make it to the Superbowl. What a cool gift that would be. (That and my tattoo! Come on Dad, I am waiting!)

The end of football will mean that I can now focus on the Utah Jazz. I love basketball, it is a close second to football in my book. My friend, Asia, says I must have a thing for big black men. HAHA. I enjoy watching and playing basketball. Always loved it. Being in Utah, it is easy to be a Jazz fan. Of course I have met more than once many of the team members. My favorite has been meeting Karl Malone - The Mail Man. And getting a chance encounter with John Stockton was awesome. They are seventh in the western conference right now. Not bad, not really good, but they still have a slight chance in the finals. OK, STOP LAUGHING! I know, I know, my teams aren't exactly the dream teams of the sports world, but I am loyal. They have their ups and downs and I bask in the glory of a winning season, and endure the scorn and laughter of those around me in their bad seasons. But I never give up!
Also NASCAR is about to start in Daytona next month. My driver is Kasey Kahne. I was a fan of Dale Earnhardt Sr. Of course he is now Dead. It took me a while to focus on a new driver. Some said that I should turn my attention to his son. No thanks, not really a huge fan of his. I decided to find a younger guy that will be around for a while.
So how can I go wrong with a young man, with great eyes BTW, who is pretty good at what he does, drives a DODGE and is sponsored by Budweiser? Cool thing about that is my husband works for Coca-Cola here in Cedar and they also distribute Anheuser-Busch. I get well supplied with items that sometimes have him on it!
So there is my sports takes for the moment. I hope it clears up the confusion of where my loyalties lie. I am the sports nut in our house. Tom will watch it with me, thank goodness he is supportive and I was able to bring him over to my side away from the Steelers! Tho once in a while he says to me, "Honey, Its just a game!" To which I have to tell him to, "Shut up and get out of this house!" I think he just says that to irritate me.

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