Tuesday, August 10, 2010


This last weekend I was browsing the local stores. I saw a cute shirt and thought, "I want to try that." I noticed that it was in the plus size section of the store. Oh well, I still view myself as overweight no matter how much I tell myself I am not. I have bought clothes in that section a time or two and had it fit nicely. Much to my disapproval. So I found what I thought was my size. It was the smallest one I could find. I took the shirt into the fitting room. Turned around to look at the mirror and thought to myself, "This shirt is HUGE on me." It looked horrid because it was supposed to be somewhat form fitting and it just draped on me. As awful as this shirt was, I stood there with a smile on my face because I have officially been ousted from ever having to shop in that section of the store again. No offense is intended, but I have worked so hard at getting my nice body back that this was a confirmation to me of my accomplishment. Proud, I went over to the regular sized section and found a somewhat sexy shirt that was gorgeous. I automatically picked up the Extra Large size. Tried it on, and sure enough, it was too big. So I down graded. I think I have finally got it through my skull that I really am no longer overweight. I still have a bit of work to do, but I have been slacking lately and seeing that my figure is returning and on its way out from where it has been hiding has given me that shove I needed to "git-r-done." I have also now got it in my head that exercise is fun. Feeling the burn and the sweat is awesome, cause it puts me one step closer. And to top it off, I had to show my ID that same day, the guy behind the counter said, "No way, you don't look that old!" Didn't know if I should punch him or propose marriage.


Unknown said...

VERY COOL!!!!! Congrats Jamie! Can't wait to see my new skinny minni cousin at the wedding!

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