Monday, September 13, 2010

School is back in. YES!

I think we all know that I ADORE my children. They are my world and mean absolutely everything to me. That being said, school is back in session and I couldn't be happier. Not that I enjoy my kids being away from me all the time, it is just so much noise and a whole lot of fighting when they are all home, all day every day. Whining and mischief it seems like all I do is run around putting out the little "fires" that keep popping up. I do admit that I feel guilty when I read peoples status updates on Facebook all sad that summer is over. They must be better at it than me. I wonder, "What is wrong with me?" But then, I can't help it dammit! It is also so wonderful to have time alone with Colton. It is his turn to have me to himself. The other two had their time alone with Mommy. We have so much fun. Just playing, doing chores, running errands and snuggling up to watch cartoons. He is very demanding of my time however. But that is my job. I really don't mind. Anyway there is a picture of my two older munchkins on their first day of school. Dylan is now in fourth grade YIKES!! Chloe is a big first grader, and is so in love with school. Dylan so far seems to be enjoying school, his bully is in another class. YES! Feel bad that now some other parent has to deal with that little )(*!.

Speaking of school, my 15 year class reunion is this weekend. I wish I could say I am looking forward to it, but I am not. I am having some huge anxiety issues about it. I wish I could get over it. Couple that with the fact that I will be going alone and that just adds to the panic I am feeling as Saturday approaches. I managed to weasel out of the last two but have decided that I need to face what ever fears and feelings of inadequacy and just go. I always saw myself as the book nerd/geek of the school. I mean, who takes AP Biology and LOVES it? Me that is who! I thought of myself as the school nerd for so long. Recently I have talked to old classmates who were shocked that I saw myself that way. Apparently I was wrong at how I was viewed. I have been told I was seen as "fun, friendly, smart and very cute" Ahhh. OK. That isn't so bad. So I feel better that about that. But still, I don't know why this reunion has me so freaked out?!?! But I am determined to get over it and face it. I am going to have a great time, and talk to old friends. The people I went to school with are (mostly) great people. So in the spirit of class reunions, I am including my Senior picture and a picture of me and my Grandpa when I graduated. Lately I have been missing him a lot, and this picture of the two of us hugging makes me happy. So wish me luck, and pray I don't back out at the last minute!


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