Saturday, March 31, 2012

Un-coolest Mom!

Well it has happened. I am no longer the young hip Mom. I am now crossing over to the "un with it" Mom. I knew it would happen. Just wish I could have prevented it from happening. I don't think I am old or that I have let my appearance go to hell. I am now among the ranks of your average Mama. Where I should be. What has brought this on? A lot of things. The latest is WWE. I remember the days of Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, the Ultimate Warrior, Macho Man, Bret the Hitman Hart, Rowdy Roddy Piper.... My brother, my Dad and I used to watch these guys obsessively when it was the WWF. One of the highlights of my childhood was getting second row seats to watching Andre the Giant take on the Ultimate Warrior. WOW! That man was HUMONGOUS!! My Mom was a poor victim. She gave the sigh/eye roll and accepted the fact that now her Saturday nights would be monopolized to a scripted "sport". Fast forward to now. I am learning terms like the "five knuckle shuffle" and John Cena. My kids run in to tell me that someone is hurt, knocked out or possibly died. I give them a "that's nice dear". When I could care less because I think it is ridiculous. And go about my business. Then there is video games. I remember the days of Nintendo. Bryce and I played for hours. My Mom would come in and give us a "really?" look. She could never understand and I couldn't understand how she didn't enjoy em. I now give Dylan the same look at the games he plays now. The look is a cross between confusion, disgust and "what's the point?" Followed by an eye roll.

I get ditched by Dylan all the time. At the store, at the park, at the swimming pool. I see little or none of my oldest until the moment right before it is time to leave. I mean the SECOND before it is time to leave. Then the quick, "Let's go!" and hurried off since he doesn't want to be seen by the MOM thing. We went to a movie today. I invited my Mom, you join. Dylan sat in the row in front of us.

I find myself looking for more comfortable clothing rather than cute things. I would rather be able to breath, bend over or walk without pain than look all hot and sexy. If I can get those qualities AND be stylish I feel like I hit the jackpot. What's going on here?!?! I am only 35!! In my mind I feel like I am 20. UGH.


Aplaceforscience said...

Dude !! YOu are 35!!!! Really!!! WOW!!! I thought you were 33.

Jeffrey said...

Five knuckle shuffle ? Sounds like something from The Three Stooges ;)

I am 39 and from your generation and I'm starting to feel old myself in some ways.

I like the references that I remember from my youth.

Nice blog post ! :)

Deb said...

I remember you telling me that you would never say to your kids "CAUSE I SAID SO!". You thought it was so unfair! Well those words finally came into your world and now you know when you get so frustrated that there is nothing else to say, those words come flying out. Tell Jeffrey that even I know what the five knuckle shuffle is... I am approaching 60 but for some reason I think in my mind I should be 40ish. One day Dylan will be by your side and wont be embarrassed to give you a hug in public. That is just how the world goes round!

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