Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I don't know what the next couple of days will bring so I decided to write my Christmas hello, today, 2 days before Christmas. While Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, my favorite day is actually Christmas Eve. I love the excitement in the air, and the way it seems we can all take a deep breath at the end of it. My kids make it even better. How excited they are. While of course they are getting gifts and such, we have decided to take it easy and not go too nuts on the gift thing. We have been trying to get them to focus more on the reason we celebrate Christmas. The birth of Jesus. The kids think it is neat that Jesus is sharing his birthday "party" with us. I know that December 25th was unlikely to be his actual birthday, my kids are way too young to understand that. I am more focused on creating traditions and memories than buying things.

Today, I had a few more loose ends to tie up so I took the little'uns and headed to St. George. I ran the few errands I had left and then went to the folks' where we headed off to dinner. Colton has now learned the fine art of straw wrapper blowing! I am so proud! We then went and looked at some lights, why is it the LED lights annoy me and hurt my eyes? But they were pretty. Then we went to the mall and met up with Santa Clause. HAHA! Coltons first experience with the big red guy. And it went as expected. This first pic is blurry because Colton had sticky hands and grabbed the lens. Then I cleaned it off and as you can tell, Colton STILL wasn't impressed.
OK, well, that makes for a perfect pic don't you think? Then the other two went on and on about their wish lists. Well Santa asked them if their rooms were clean and they told him no. He then told them that if their rooms weren't clean by the time he got there, he wasn't going to leave them any toys!
Thank-you St.Nick! Tom and I aren't holding our breath tho, but the looks on their faces was classic! We then hung out with grandparents for a while and then I came home. The kids were sleeping by the time I got back to town so I snuck up to the Griswold house and snapped some pics. Here is one but it doesn't do the house justice!
I am not kidding when I say, I got out to take the pic and the house was just radiating so much heat! He was starting to turn them off for the evening, but you get the idea.
Anyway, Merry Christmas to you all. I hope you all have a wonderful season wherever you are. HO!HO!HO!


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