Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Today I went to the store, and then got in line to check out. It was quite busy so I knew no matter what I was going to be there awhile. I ended up behind a very fat family. Not trying to be judgemental but all 4 of them were HUGE. I glanced at their cart and all I could see were frozen-foods, meals in a box and other processed items. I thought to myself 'no wonder.' No where was there to be found fresh veggies or fruit or even basics such as flour to make things at home from scratch. I tried to justify it by thinking that maybe they have those items already or they were going somewhere else. Give them the benefit of the doubt. I decided to quit gawking and try to look somewhere else. The Mom then started up a conversation with me. She said they would probably be done with all of that within 3 days. And their cart was practically busting at the seams. She told me that she would like to eat better but it is too hard and expensive to cook from scratch when you can get a totinos pizza for 1.25. And there are coupons! I just smiled and said that I liked to cook from scratch as much as I can, it is something I love to do. I just kept thinking that she was nuts and that she was killing her kids. Yea the easy stuff may be cheaper but the benefits to spending a little more are much, MUCH better. I don't know why I am even talking about this. Probably because it has stuck with me all evening. I am by no means the picture of health at the moment, even tho I am getting there..hehe. But even in my fattest of times, I was eating a lot better than that. I ate and still do eat a lot of fresh veggies and fruit. (I LOATHE cooked vegetables.) I love to cook and make as much as I can from scratch. Lucky for the hubby! And yes, I buy the junk once in a while but for the most part I try to make sure what we eat is beneficial to us. I just had to say something, that's what blogs are for right?
Do you have songs that mean something to you? Music that reminds you of a certain time, person, place, event? I do. I have lots of them. Songs that when they come on the radio I think of whatever it is that is connected in my head to that song. Even Christmas songs have a meaning or two to me. "The Little Drummer Boy" and "Do you hear what I hear" remind me of road trips to Wyoming for Christmas because I remember hearing those songs. "Up on the Housetop" and "Silver Bells" remind me of when I was a kid at Washington Elementary. "Away in a Manger" and "Silent Night" remind me of my Church Christmas pageants. But the one that has the most affect on me is "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing." When I was a kid our Sunday School would go caroling every year to the home bound church members and those in the care center. While at the care center we were visiting Jim Stallsmith. He was very sick and just looked so painful. We sang that song to him and his roommate. In the middle of the song Jims wife, Marion, got up and a slew of nurses came running in. We were told to get out immediately. We all filed out of the room and a few minutes later a lady that was escorting our caroling group came around the corner and told us that he had died. He had died in the middle of us singing! As a kid, it doesn't matter what people say to make you feel better, it freaks you out! To this day, whenever I hear that song, I think of Jim in that bed. That image is still as clear as the day we went there. Talk about traumatizing!


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