As we all know, Michael Jackson passed away a couple of weeks ago. That to me, is so sad. I am a true blue fan from a very young age. Just ask my mom! I had a glove and posters and my mom somewhere has my "thriller" jacket that I was sure was the one he wore. lol. I don't believe he was a pedophile, just a tragic soul, who is FINALLY getting some peace. I watched his memorial yesterday and it was soooo sweet. I did finally shed a couple of tears when his daughter got up and said she loved him and that he was the best. That poor kid! ugh. He is among the best entertainers that ever lived in my book. That all being said, can we PLEASE move on? The news just won't let it go. We have soldiers overseas dying a lot more heroically and tragically than MJ. I hope that now that he has had his memorial, life can get back to normal and we can start hearing more about the real news of the world.
As far as my health goes, I have lost two pounds last week. YAY!!! And my hip hop abs came in the mail today. So I can't wait to get started on that. I am trying to prove to myself that I can do it without shelling out a butt load of money on programs.
Tomorrow is the day for Colton's MRI and EEG. I am going to go down to my folks' house and stay the night. I have to get him up three am, cause his eeg is at 7 am and he has to be sleep deprived. (I looked this up on the net, and it said that sleep deprivation can cause seizures, and they can get a clearer idea of what is going on!) This should be fun. He can't have anything solid to eat after midnight, only clear fluids cause after the eeg he will have an mri with sedation, and they don't want him puking. My kid loves to eat, and so he gets up in the morning and I can't give him anything? This is going to suck! lol. But he is getting his tests over with, and maybe he can be taken off of his meds. That would be so nice. My mom-in-law called me and was wondering when everything would be happening. She is so worried. She just had major back surgery and said that if she could she would be down there with us. I tried to reassure her that it was OK and the testing is not much to worry about. But she is a Grandma, and she loves him, she won't stop worrying until it is all over.
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