Thursday, August 30, 2012

Next item on my resume: Preschool teacher

  What a difference a year makes. I went from a SAHM to three kids, to Special Ed mentor (unofficially I was a teacher, I prefer mentor :)) to now a Preschool teacher. All in just over a year.  Don't get me wrong. I LOVED my job at Cedar High.  But circumstances made a change necessary. 
  First off, my divorce was finalized mid July. It is weird, and I hate that this is the way my life went. But it is what it is as they say, and there is always good that can come out of a situation. 
  So what would make me decide to give up a job that I loved? And frankly I felt I was quite good at? Because I wasn't ever allowed to go over 15 hours a week .  When I got divorced, I lost my health insurance through Tom's work. And frankly I can't survive on that little. So I went searching for full time work. I really started searching around April. I spent a mind boggling amount of time filling out paper work and cover letters, resumes and getting friends to write me letters of recommendation. Going on interviews *YUCK* and getting the "thanks but no thanks" calls and letters. In this economy, I was relieved that I even got interviewed!!!! I expected it to take at least a year before I found anything. 
  I found this advertisement for a special needs pre-school teacher in St. George, about an hour away. I strangely enough had all the qualifications necessary, a degree with ECD as a minor and experience with special education in a school setting.  I got called in for an interview and told that they would contact me in a few days. A couple of weeks later I never got the call nor even a letter. Which I found strange, because HR would usually send me a note or email for a position with the school district. 
  Then I got a call from a lady who said she really wanted to talk to me ASAP. I knew it had something to do with preschool but it was a different program. I later found out that she saw my paper work with the special needs preschool and pulled my file. I got taken into an interview. When I got there I saw about 20 people waiting for an interview, and a steady stream of people coming in and out of there with resumes in hand. I thought to myself, "Oh great, another waste of time. Let's get this over with." I started chatting with other people waiting and realized I was interviewing for something completely different. I got taken aside and talked to the lady. She basically told me that the job was mine. She loved my background, my enthusiasm, (I hear that a lot lol), and my education. Only one catch. The school they wanted me in is only 2/3 time. BUT, if the full time position opens up at another school, I get first consideration and they are working hard to make Washington Elementary full time anyway.  I realized that this was an opportunity that I needed to grasp. Especially in this economy, in three months I managed to find a professional position that will eventually be full time with insurance and they wanted me! BADLY! I can't tell you how good that felt. To have someone say, "I want you here. I would love it if you joined us!"
  So I took it. I am now the preschool teacher at Washington Elementary. It is twilight zone sort of moments tho, I went k-3 there! I am passing my old classrooms on a daily basis. It is a fun, warm, fuzzy feeling. Nostalgic and makes me long for that certain simple and magical time in one's life. 
  The job is GREAT. I work with the greatest most supportive people I know. I hate getting up in the morning, but I love going to work. I will write more about it later. But figured it is time for an update. Anyone that used to attend Washington, we should have a mini reunion and go visit our stomping grounds!!!


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