Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It's Working!

Recently I had to get a refill on my crazy Mom meds. I then received a phone call from my doctor who needed to authorize the renewal. It went like this,
Dr: "Hi Jamie, I have been looking over your chart and noticed that you have been losing weight"
Me: "Yes."
Dr.: "I would like to ask why?"
Me: "Because I didn't like being fat!"
Dr.: "O.K. so it is on purpose. Good Job."

I found the conversation funny. At first I didn't know what to make of it, until I realized that he was making sure that it wasn't the depression that was causing it. I explained to him, that no, this was in fact me working my ass off. Literally. I am at the point that the rapid weight loss is over, I am now inching my way down. Make no mistake, I am still losing pounds, just not as quickly as before. I am so pleased with what I am accomplishing. I really wish that more people would maybe use my story as an inspiration. I know it isn't easy, but it isn't as hard as some might think. You need to find out what works for you. I don't really diet. I just count my calories. I also am finding workouts and ways to keep moving that I find enjoyable. This might not work for everyone but it works for me. I can't tell you how inspiring it is to run into someone I haven't seen in a while and have them look at me and say, "You look good! You have lost weight!" It never gets old and it happens quite frequently. I really don't notice myself looking different until I look at pictures from a year ago and think, "OMG, yuck!" I still have a way to go but I know I can do it. I am well on my way to being that one Hot Mama! Well at least a nice looking Mama.


T & K Trusty said...

Proud of you Jamie!! :-)

Jamie Ann said...

Thank-you Tony! :o)

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