Monday, April 4, 2011

Day #2 Jersey!

I slept good and hard that night. I woke up when my brother texted me asking me when I wanted him to come get me. So I called him, gave him the addy and got ready. I hadn't seen the butthead in 2 years, so I was excited. I met him in the hotel lobby and he gave me the biggest bear hug. We went back to my room and got my bags and then we headed off. I was so hungry cause I had skipped dinner so he drove me into New Jersey and we went to a little cafe for breakfast. My first impressions of the Northeast? Very crowded. It is like people live on top of each other. I am just so used to spacious living I would imagine. There are a lot of trees and one thing people out west don't really understand is rivers. I remember when I was in the Southeast and I thought the same thing. The rivers are huge out there! Everywhere has its good points and bad. Bryce had to do some training since he is being deployed in May. So I sat at his apartment and watched TV and got some rest. He came back and we went to a steakhouse for supper. We then returned to his place and rested up cause the next day we were heading to DC.


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