Monday, November 30, 2009

Guns & Freedom

I was just reading this article sent to me. It is pretty much anti-gun. I figure this is a good topic for discussion. I don't really want to castigate this guy. Among our right to keep and bear arms is that thing called freedom of speech and the press. He is certainly entitled to his opinion. But reading that makes me realize how stupid some people are. I am not a gun fanatic. My husband and his father definitely are. They teach concealed carry classes, hunter safety classes are members of two practical shooting clubs and usually at least once a week they are out at the range or in the 'pits' shooting. I support my husband in this because I have realized the importance of responsible gun ownership and keeping yourself armed and ready.

What the author of the above article doesn't understand is that true gun enthusiasts encourage responsibility, discipline and training when it comes to your firearms. Tom is emphatic about people knowing their gun inside out before carrying. He is also teaching our children from a young age the art of handling a gun. They are learning that they aren't a toy, they are to be respected and how to use them. A couple of other moms can't believe that I 'allow' this. I tell them that they are his kids too, and if they know the responsibility of the gun from an early age, they are less likely to have an accident.

As far as gun control in this country, "my idea of gun control is using both hands" I love that quote. I don't think they anti-gun folk understand that you are in big trouble if you do try to take them away. Law abiding citizens may give them up but criminals don't care about the law anyway so why would they give them up? Then the rest of us are at the mercy of thugs and we can't protect ourselves and our families because a karate chop isn't going to stop a bullet. Some say, "Just call the police." Yea, OK, let me see, an intruder breaks into our home, is threatening us with a weapon, doing God only knows what, and we can just call the police? Not to mention how long will it take to get to wherever you are? I live 10 miles out of town! No thanks, I will call the police to come remove his bullet riddled body from my home. I find great comfort in knowing that Tom and I can protect our family if need be. We aren't chomping at the bit to shoot somebody. That is a last resort for us, but, just try to harm us, you will be sorry.

Nationally, do you understand what it would mean for us as a nation? We would be subject to a tyrannical, socialist government. I believe that knowing that the citizenry of this country are armed, does keep them somewhat at bay. Give them up and you can kiss the rest of your freedoms good-bye. I am dead serious about this. If you value your freedom at all, you will hold on to your weapons.

The article makes references to the shooting at Virginia Tech. He actually said, "What is not a joke is the absurd contention of the NRA gunslingers that if the Virginia Tech students had been armed there would have been far fewer victims." That, my friend, is a bunch of BS. Had even a couple of the students there, been armed, they could have taken out the shooter long before it got to the massive casualty level that it did.

I said this before in another post and I will say it again. We, (Tom and I,) will NEVER give up our guns. We will become outlaws if we have to. "You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead hands." Thank you Charlton Heston!


T & K Trusty said...

AMEN!!!!! :-)

Jamie said...

Thank-you! I have gotten a lot of compliments on this post.

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