Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas in the Country.

Wow today it seemed like a lot going on. I got up to my bazaar just in time for the big rush of people that came in from the parade down town and Santa showing up. I had to laugh because I had people from yesterday come back and get more. I was glad I had made more of my sold-outs! Guess, what? They sold out again...hehe. One lady came back three times over the course of the day wondering what I had used to make a certain card cause she was trying to copy them. That is cool. Then she said, "I probably shouldn't have said that!" I told her that I was flattered that she liked my cards enough to want to copy them. I sold a bunch of items and looked up to see Tami and Tia, with their Mom and Tia's kids. For those that don't know, Tami and Tia are some of my best friends and I love them like sisters so it was awesome to have them come up. They came cause they wanted to go to a real craft show, not full of commercial items. There were a few booths that sold those things but about 90% of the booths there are home crafters like myself. We all hung out for awhile and they had to leave. Shortly after, Tom showed up with Chloe. Chloe wanted to come up with me and help me so I told Tom that he could bring her up after lunchtime. He fell in love with a knife that the lady at the booth next to me had. It had a real rattlesnake head on it, made by an old Navajo man. Some of you may have gotten a pic text from me showing it. Even I thought it was really cool. But not cool enough to spend 65 dollars on. If you want me to send you a pic on your cell give me your number and I will.

Chloe was so cute at the booth. I don't know why but it seems like I attracted all of the husbands to hang out at mine. They all told the same story, "My wife made me come here, and if I stay here long enough, maybe I won't have to shell out all my money." I would laugh and say, "Sucking the manhood right after you huh?" And they would say, "YES!". Chloe got fed up with this and finally said to one guy, "Are you going to buy my mommies beautiful cards or not?" He couldn't resist my daughters charm and proceeded to purchase some items.

Eric Dodge was there. He is a local country singer with a few Cd's out. He was trying to sell his Christmas music when I told his buddy that I would rather have a regular music CD. While I enjoy some Christmas music, too much and I will start shooting at people from my roof. Eric then came over to my booth and handed me two Cd's. His latest album and his Christmas one. Two very good Cd's for ten bucks! SWEET! Here is a shameless plug. If you haven't heard him, you should. He truly is talented. You can check out his music at . I love to support local music, and he is one I definitely have no problem supporting. And who knows, maybe he will become hugely famous one day and I can say, "I knew him when..."

Manning the booth, talking to forlorn husbands and helping people get their creative juices going was a lot of fun for me. I really enjoyed it. Near the end of the day came the fun part. A lot of us start trading with each other. At the end of my trading I managed to acquire a Minnesota Vikings Kleenex box, a 20 oz vanilla candle, 7 wax blocks for my Scentsy warmer, 4 Tupperware kid cups w/lids, 2 pillows, a bracelet for Chloe, a hair bow for Chloe and some bread. Oh and an invitation to the bar...took a rain check on that one. How cool is that? I mentally added up what I had traded to get these things and it came to about ten dollars in supplies to make what I did. So I feel very accomplished hehe.

There was one moment of uncomfortable. Last year about this time a dog ran into the front fender of my minivan. I had always suspected that I new whose dog it was, but Tom insisted that it wasn't theirs. Well I am friends with the lady of that house and she came by and said hi. I don't know why, it was like I was possessed and I couldn't stop myself from saying, "I think I killed your dog last year!" I told her what had happened and she confirmed that yes it was their dog. I apologized all over the place and told her that we did go back to make sure that it was dead and not suffering. She was so understanding and said, "These things happen, and to tell you the truth I am glad to know that at least you didn't just leave him there suffering, that you made sure he was dead, it wasn't your fault he shouldn't have been out!" And now, I feel so relieved.

All in all, it was a fun day. Although it was snowing hard on the way home. I was OK but the 6 million cars from California and Nevada sure weren't. They hog the road, drive like turtles and seem to slam on their brakes. I understand being cautious and all but that is so stinkin' annoying! They are going to cause more accidents that way.

So there, I completed my once a day for a week blog. I will continue to post but I can't promise daily anymore. Hopefully frequently tho.


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