Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I was looking at my University transcript and have realized that I was only a few credits short of completing a minor in Political Science. Basically cause I was completely fascinated with a Poly Sci professor. I took almost all of his classes. Michael Stathis. He is one of the most brilliant professors I ever met. Bet you didn't know I had such a training in the political world did you? HEHE. I figure for once I am going to lay it all out there for everyone. The tender issue of politics. I want to get a few of my views on the world out there. I hope that you will all tell me what you agree with and what you don't. Please remember tho, this is MY blog. I don't mind heated discussion and debate but lets remember a little thing called respect. I will respect you, please do the same.

Lets start with Mr. Barrack Hussein Obama. (yes I actually wrote his middle name, *looks for the black helicopters*). I will say it now, I did NOT vote for him. Before anybody gets into an uproar about that, let me explain. I don't put a lot of stock in the Presidential election. I am more concerned with who we send to Congress, Senate and State/local office. Being that I am in Utah, it is a given that the electoral vote will go to the Republicans. So, when I go to the voting booth, I vote for who I believe is going to lose. Simply so I can bitch about it. I knew Obama would win, so I voted for McCain. That is all there is to it. If I thought McCain would have won, I would have voted for Obama. That being said, I was really thrilled that I saw a black man (albeit half black) elected in my lifetime. Never in a million years did I think it would happen. And for the second time in my life I got to see a woman run for Vice President. I watched Obama's inauguration and was thrilled that I got to see it. It was a major mile-stone historical moment for our country. It was awesome. Now, more than a year after the election, I am still waiting to be inspired by him. I feel that he is riding the coattails of that historical election rather than actually doing something. I am supportive of him, and wish him all the best but he won a Nobel Peace Prize? For what? Really for me it seems like a big mess. I am hopeful that he can take the bull by the horns and make a real difference....a good one. But, I am still waiting.

I have taken numerous "what political party best suits you" quizzes. I can say that I am definitely a middle of the road person. I can agree with both sides of the aisle. They keep coming up "libertarian" and "constitution." Not that I really want to be boxed in as a conservative or a liberal, I like to think for myself and take each issue individually. So I have decided to take a few issues and show you how it is that I can be so unaffiliated, as my voter registration card says.....

Abortion - I am a right to lifer. With the exception of medical issues and rape, there is no excuse to kill an unborn child. You make your choice when you lay down and have sex, you run the risk of getting pregnant. Deal with it. Until it can be 100% proven that the embryo/fetus is unable to feel anything, and that it isn't a person with a soul already, I will not change my mind.

Gun Control - We have the right to keep and bear arms. As they say, only law abiding citizens will give up their weapons. You think the thugs and criminals of the world will give them up? NOT! If government takes away our guns, we are susceptible to a tyrannical government who will not give a damn about our rights. Furthermore, I know for Tom and I, as Charlton Heston said you will get my gun when you pry them from my "cold dead hands."

Gay Marriage - I could care less if gays want to marry or not. We are supposed to be a free nation so why is it that two people of the same sex can't marry? What consenting adults do is none of my business, or the governments. Yes I am a Christian, and my beliefs say that homosexual behavior isn't right. But those are MY beliefs, and what right do I have to force that on someone else? It isn't hurting me, and frankly I don't believe that it is a one way ticket to Hell. God loves us ALL, and Jesus has saved us ALL. We all have our faults.

Death Penalty - I am for the most part against it. I do think it has its place in society but as a rare option. Too many times there are too many questions about the guilt or innocence of a person. We are too quick to be out for blood. There are in fact a few times where there is no doubt about the evil nature of a person. Timothy McVeigh comes to mind. People like him are who the death penalty is perfect for. Yet I think, life in prison would be even more harsh than being put to sleep. I would rather die than spend the next 50 years in a 10x10 concrete room with other violent human beings having to deal with the fear and brutality of the prison population. But that is just me.

So there are a few of my ideas, I am sure there are going to be plenty more. If you haven't done so and are at all interested in the history of our nation, I would invite you to watch the "John Adams" series that HBO put out. It is a raw look into what the Founding Fathers went thru and dealt with in the creation of a new nation from the view point of Adams.

I do want to say that I am proud of my country and I love our military both Veterans and current Active Duty. I come from a long line of military men and I am proud of all of them. And as the saying goes "If you can't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them!"


Anonymous said...

Hey we have the same views on all those subjects. Nice to know there is another me out there. :-)

Jamie said...

Wow, that is cool. Who woulda thought huh? ;)

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