Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I have nothing exciting that I want to write about at the moment. I thought about politics again, but nah, not in the mood. So you all get to read about my super cool doggy. I wanted a dog a few years ago. I love dogs more than any other pet and I was chomping at the bit to get one. I really am not peculiar about breeds however I refuse to pay money to buy a dog. I will pay an adoption fee and such from a shelter or rescue group but it seems ridiculous to me to pay a butt load of money for a dog when you can get a similar mutt for free or next to nothing. Tom, on the other hand, seems to be picky. His dream dog is an English Mastiff, that my friend and her mom breed. She will cut us a deal but still, its paying quite a bit for a dog with an expected lifespan of ten years. Uh, not at this moment, thanks. They did mention that if they had one that was a runt that they couldn't get rid of it was ours free and clear. So there is a shot! In January 2005 I had mentioned that my friend was breeding her border collie and she said I could have one. Tom quickly rebuffed, "You aren't getting no border collie" to which I replied, "Hey, you get your dog, I get mine! I want a dog!" He couldn't really argue with that. One day he was looking at dog breeds on the Internet. He had seen an ad for a dog and wanted to know if it is what he thought it was. Ok. He kept mentioning this dog that was free in the paper. He then later in the evening said, "Why don't you call and see if this dog is still available." I got irritated cause he was bringing up the dog again. I said, "What is it with you and this dog?!?!?" He said, "I DON'T want a border collie, you don't care about breeds but I do and I don't want to come home to a border collie. If I arrange this dog for you, you will have your dog and that will be the end of it!" Alrighty then. So we went that night and looked at the dog. We fell in love immediately. He is a Samoyed. A dog I have never heard of. But one of the prettiest dogs I have ever seen. We ended up taking him home that night. We haven't ever regretted that decision. He is the friendliest thing you ever saw. He LOVES kids and will let them crawl all over them. I never have to worry about him biting a strange child for pulling hair or bothering him when he is eating. I love this dog. My biggest complaint however, besides the shedding issue, is that I thought he was the biggest wuss on the planet. I wanted a dog for some protection for our home, he didn't fit that job description. And he likes to run. If he gets out he shoots out of that gate like nothing else! Samoyed's are bred to be sled dogs, well, that definitely set in him! The other day he got out. I was here alone with the kids and Tom had my car. Well, I went running after him. Cool cause I had missed my workout! Look at the bright side huh? After chasing him for probably 20 minutes I caught up to him playing with three other dogs. One of those dogs is considered vicious. He will bite. His owner came out and kept warning me to stay on the perimeter of his extension leash. OK. Well I got up to Tova and the mean dog lunged at me. I was out of reach, but Tova didn't like it one bit. I don't know if it was cause he thought I was in danger or what but Tova went crazy on this dog. I actually saw Tova attack something. And he went for the neck and had that dog pinned to the ground. I was STUNNED. The owner and I broke them up and I took him home. Proud that my dog can in fact kick some hiney. He really is awesome, and while he is really the family dog, in truth he is all mine. Thanks honey, you did good on this one!


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