Saturday, January 2, 2010


I am fascinated by cemeteries. I find it really interesting. If I see a graveyard I am tempted to stop and take a look. Sounds kinda morbid I know. Something about seeing a persons final resting place is a habit for me. I like to read headstones which by the pictures and words engraved on them, can tell you a lot about the life they lead. Their likes, beliefs and family. I am also a member of It is a website which will link you to almost any cemetery in America, and some overseas. You can see pics of a lot of headstones. Many of my loved ones and friends are there. It is almost like a virtual cemetery. Some will have their obituaries on there. You can also leave a sort of virtual flower and message on each one. They also have photos of thousands of famous and historical grave sites. I have seen everyone from Marilyn Monroe to Martin Luther. I also on occasion will go take pictures of headstones for the site. I guess we all have our quirks. This is one of my many. Cemeteries don't frighten or sadden me as they do some people. I find people exciting, dead or alive.


Anonymous said...

I love this too.. I'll let you know what Cemetary it's in and the name.. I'm so excited. Crazy hobby... but oh so interesting. Someday I would love to go to the real old ones in Utah.. like at the ghost towns around..

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