Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year

It is already 2010 tomorrow? Wow this year has flown by! I have had my ups and downs. Downs? My baby having seizures and spending a few days in the hospital was my main low. That along with many other little things sent me into a deep depression. Ups? My baby is fine thanks to great doctors and the help of God. Kids are thriving in school, Tom is doing well in his shooting and work and I have been having fun. I have met up with some people from my past that I never thought I would ever hear from again. And I weigh almost 40 lbs less than I did a year ago. Overall it has been a good year. I am hopeful that next year is even better.

I hate the word resolutions. So I don't use it. I prefer to use the word goals. I figure it is time for me to list what I want to accomplish in 2010.
#1. I want to continue my fitness regimen and reach my previous set goals by June. I am serious when I say I want to look hot in a bikini at the lake. It is doable!
#2 I want to better manage my finances and be more secure.
#3 I want to spend more time outside. Up in the mountains or on the rocks, just anywhere being active.
#4 I want to take more pictures of my life. My family, my home, my adventures.
#5 Keep up on my blog. A MINIMUM of once a week.
So there you have my goals for the year. They seem simple enough but a little challenge. I hope next year I am writing this blog and saying that I have made all of them happen.

Happy New Year to you all. I hope you all get what you want and need out of life. Love to all!


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