Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas is almost here!

I have been battling a cold all day. One of those really nasty ones that makes your head throb. But, I will survive. After all it is just a cold right? Thanks honey! ;o) I have been holed up in my house doing absolutely nothing all day. I really hate days like this. I hate feeling like I have done absolutely nothing all day. After watching the Broncos lose to the raiders of all people, even if it is only by one point, I was pretty depressed. Tom was off teaching a gun class and I just had to get out. So, I loaded up the kiddos and went for a drive to look at Christmas lights. It was a nice evening. Clear and perfect. There is one house here that puts the Griswolds to shame. Every year we make the trek up to this house on the hill. You can see the glow from blocks away. This guy has every inch of his house and yard covered in some sort of decoration. I remember reading in the local paper once that he has to start getting the lights up in October. There is always a traffic jam in front of his house. Gotta love spirit like that! I forgot my camera, but I will take some pics and show them hopefully on Christmas Eve. It is insane what this guy does. All three of my kids said, "WOW!" when we pulled up. I came down off of the hill and went driving around neighborhoods. I saw one house that was pretty deco'd out. I slowed down in front so kids could see. I noticed some signs saying, "More in back, feel free to walk through" How fun! I pulled over, and got the kids out. It was really cool. All around the house were displays and lights. I made a mental note that we are definitely taking Tom to this. Then I came home and watched the Vikings game. That SUCKED big time. They got it handed to them. UGH! Not a good day for my football teams.


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