Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Silver Minivans

Yea, two blogs in one day. Just thought I would share with you my blond moment for the week. Still it doesn't top the Me vs Cow incident on Thanksgivings blog, but you should at least get a smile out of this one. I went to the grocery store and did what I needed to do. The bag kid asked if he could help me and I said, "I will be fine, unless you really really want to." He said he would like to get outside for a minute and helped me out. We walk up to the van and I hit the unlock button on my key chain. Nothing. I hit it again. Nothing again. I look inside and it looks like mine. So I insert my key in the lock. The alarm goes off. I hit the off button on my key chain and it doesn't work. The kid that is helping me says, "Ma'am" (DAMMIT I AM NOT OLD ENOUGH TO BE CALLED THAT YET!!!) and I look at him as he is pointing at the next aisle over. There, sits another minivan honking. Its mine. (The off button to my alarm is also my panic button) I had managed to try to break in to someones car. By now my helper is laughing uncontrollably, which makes me kind of chuckle too. So we scurry over to mine hoping that no one really notices and load up and I get the hell out of there. The thing that gets me about this? I manage to do this same thing at least every three months. Who knew there were so many silver Dodge Grand Caravans in Cedar City?


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