Thursday, December 17, 2009

Skeeter Skitty

This is a shout out to where I live and the surrounding areas. I love it here, and it would be very hard to get me to leave willingly. All of these areas are really close to where I live. It is wonderful living in such a beautiful part of God's great world!
...Downtown Cedar City.
.Bryce.Cedar Breaks.
Grand Canyon UROC at the rock climbs at Three Peaks and this is just down the road from me, how cool is that? There are other groups that go out there and do it, can't remember the names tho...oops!

I do love it here. It is still a small town with all of that security. But it has a lot of things the bigger towns have to make life convenient. Southern Utah University is here. (And no it isn't just a small community college, like some people think. You know who you are.) The Shakespearean festival is Tony award winning. The people are great, it is a wonderful place to raise a family. If I need to get away, I can be in Vegas or Salt Lake quite quickly and easily if I want to. And to think, just ten years ago, I couldn't wait to get out of here.


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